WTF Cares

So glad the Bernie bros didn’t have to make the adult decision b/t the lesser of 2 evils in 2016. This reality is so much better!? /s

Vote Blue no matter who, unless you like living under a theocracy. 

“George Washington didn’t have access to pornography, therefore there is no historical right for porn to exist.” -Clarence Thomas, probably

He ain’t saving humanity, he’s “looking out for his own”.

Yeah, except the jar is racist.

Somehow it escaped them until now that yes—it’s always been about them.

Distracted driving, my ass. That’s attempted manslaughter.

“Uh, dispatch, we’re gonna have to call off the chase — it’s started to sprinkle and my vehicle is falling apart” **SQUELCH**

There was a pity phase?

This is why you should be very afraid of Elon’s Optimus robot and his predictions about AI taking over. They will most likely be the first to go on a rampage and start killing humans due to design flaws in programming and production in order to get them out the door.

Let me see the CEO’s shitpost game and then I’ll decide.

Nothing wrong with hoping bad things happen to bad people.

Probably not the typical buyers of Tesla’s though that could be changing. 

Yet many will vote for one. 

I’m fine with them being shot into it.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

Inventory is at record levels because people don’t want to buy a badly made car from a white supremacist piece of shit con-man.

the Incel Camino has issues?

I’m fine with these idiots staring at the Sun.

Seems Elon is wrong a lot.