“Morals have flown out the window. My pussy grabbing father can tell you all about morals. Why, my brother in law who made a fortune as a slum lord who evicted people for being $5 short on their rent can tell you all about morals. Republicans, especially my family, are the most moral people ever.”
I understand that their feathers are iridescent, just like regular peacocks, and that doesn’t come across in photos.
Hey Dickhole- We “not even people” pay for the your family’s secret service protection keeping you all safe and able to grift.
Please, do not get distracted by this. The Senate is about to pull a Paul Ryan and shove down a health care bill in a week or two without any hearings, input, or even a bill.
I can think of no greater honor than being insulted by a Trump.
To be fair about the “they’re not even people” thing, where Eric belongs on the phylogenetic tree is likely to stump scientists for decades to come.
The feathers are apparently just as iridescent as the fully pigments peacock feathers, but silvery.
An “ostentation” of peacocks.
An ostentation!
Genuine question. What are a group of peacocks called?
If I was permanently attired like Rihanna at the Met Gala I’d give no shits or fucks.
A female is a Peahen.