May you fulfill all your Facebook & brownie desires!
PS forgive any snarky tone in prior comment. The name thing just made me think of the video I posted. I agree this is a deeply significant issue, & thanks to Megan we’re getting early coverage.
A pair of Megans deserves another pair of Megans.
The violins! So good.
Vic deserves all the accolades. This gorillamindfuckstain even started slandering him, “pizzagate” style. I hope Vic stays safe; got to admit I worry about him. That kind of trolling has real consequences. His work has always been great - but he’s doing a real public service by exposing these people for the corrosive…
It was free range, grass-fed, wild-sourced meat courtesy of the Doneric Bros.
Oh, what heartbreak. I am so, so sorry.
It’s so easy to search your mind for things you could have done. This was unpredictable and, my god, it’s too much to process. You will find your way through your grieving. She was your family; you deserve time and space to mourn her.
Oh no, I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you. I wish I had the right words for you. I have loved and lost a bunny; they are so special. The depth of your bond and love for Mocha comes across so clearly. May your heartbreak ease, may you find peace, and may her memory be a blessing. Please take care of yourself.
It’s custom blended from all those tails his spawn “source” on their “hunting” trips.