
I know people who are all about the fantasy and not at all about the reality of what they are getting themselves into. These are the kind of people you are talking about. Some (I know a few people who have done this) just get so caught up in the whole fairy tale b.s. that they plan a wedding and honeymoon and blah

I think that they were old enough to be brainwashed against Nicole and a lot of kids are given the choice of which parent they want to live with.

My family moved into a house in the Midwest in 1997. It was a 2 story built in the 60’s and hadn’t been lived in in over 15 years. I was 7 at the time we moved there so it didn’t occur to me that it was strange for a house to be empty that long in such a desirable neighborhood. We moved from Nevada and before we moved

My female family member (who is a mild hoarder and never ever washes hand towels of any sort) has the whole stack of bath towel, hand towel, wash clothe in the same ugly pattern and they are stained and never get used ever and I HATE those towels with a passion.

HA! I used to watch this as a little kid. Thanks for the reminder!

Honestly, I think she was able to keep her kid because A) she is the mother of that child and B) That child’s father is in a cult. The whole agreement to not say anything might have been part of a promise to not pursue custody of his daughter. I just don’t think, despite the amount of money rolling around a “church”

I hear stuff like this from my brother and it is just disturbing. Not even just about celebrities but ordinary women. My family was in the car driving to a wedding and he stopped at a stop sign and a pedestrian waited until he stopped (since he likes to do it at the last possible second) and made eye contact because

I don’t understand why they need to figure out a situation for him to pray. Why can’t he just pray silently?
But ya. He is using religious context in his speeches to the players. Bad dog!

Ya the more I hear about this kind of stuff the bigger fan of the Satanic Temple I become. Their presence seems to guarantee that the First Amendment gets applied and I find it hilarious. Nothing terrifies those Christians more than the threat of Satanists approaching their precious children!

Oh good, I’m not the only one who doesn’t want them to make anything relating to certain movies with this being one of them.

He is an agent with NCIS now. Far too busy! ;-P

I agree! I have a friend who climbs mountains and takes a picture, from behind, of himself naked on top of whatever mountain he just climbed and I think it is funny.

If she was exhibiting some kind of violent behavior then a more physically response might be understandable but why on earth do people feel this kind of force is necessary? That girl is small enough to where that cop could have grabbed her by the arm and taken her outside if need be.

Agreed. This reminds me of some evening news show that featured art critics judging art and the art, unbeknownst to them, was actually children’s finger paintings. It was hilarious and ridiculous but people who look at random crap and see some meaning in it are just beyond me.

I do find this ridiculous but honestly, if this meant so much to her personally then good for her. I think it is weird to hand your dad a certificate claiming something like this and posting it for the world to see but I like her response in the second picture. That is her choice and yeah, it may seem old fashioned or

I love this article. It amuses me how naive some young women are about sex and horny college asshats. These signs just outline what kind of immature, douchey trash girls might be dealing with in any given place and is a good example of what they might be dealing with. I get that it might create an uncomfortable or

I had a teacher who changed his names so that it was a hyphenated name with his wife and then they got divorced. I also have a high school friend whose dad remarried and they combined parts of their last names so that it was a mixture of the two and it seemed to suit them. They changed a lot about themselves and were

I agree. I also didn’t mind the fact that she was running in heels because I cannot fathom how women do it. Emma Stone ran in heels a bit in Easy A and I was like “Yeah! Get some, girly!”

That lipstick shade is a little too “middle school dance” for me.

I am so jealous!!! I would have died to see Fleetwood Mac.