
I know! Some of my friends or family or family friends get really great deals on tickets or get alerted to when someone is going to be in town and I end up being the cat sitter. I was secretly envious and disappointed when my aunt and uncle went with their friends to see Fleetwood Mac. They were the first cd I ever

I live in a town between San Francisco and Sacramento, California. I need to be better about looking up who is going to be nearby and what is available to me.

Ya I agree with that last statement. I like the older stuff because it was the stuff I listened to as a kid but if I were to listen to them now I probably wouldn’t like them that much if it was the first time I heard them. Those bands were the first ones I liked that only I liked (my parents couldn’t stand it but they

It was fun. Relient K was opening for them and my bestie loved that band and I like their first album. I still have two tshirts in a drawer somewhere from that concert that I feel awkward wearing so there they sit but I totally still have them! lol.

My first concert was when I was 16 and my best friend and I saw Simple Plan and Good Charlotte in concert.lol. I can only listen to the first few GC albums but I was listening to the first one the other day. Still love it.

I’m curious as to what people expect actors to do about this (
male actors who are getting paid more than their female costars). I didn’t read the whole essay, just highlights I saw quoted, but wasn’t one of Jennifer Lawrence’s main points that she should have been better at negotiating her salary? I think pay

My dad has a terrible temper and in general he has a terrible attitude problem and has said really nasty things to me, my mom, and brother but when we are in a social setting with friends (his friends) he plays the comical, loving, nice guy. I love him to death but I didn’t realize growing up how much verbal abuse

The angle of her arm in the picture is freaking me out. Like “oh that giraffe just broke my arm and now it is flapping in the wind! Yay Africa!

I agree. They weren’t forced to do their jobs, they chose it.