Every Boston Team Cheats

I understand the asshole part. If someone disagrees with you, then they are obviously an asshole. But how is what I said stupid? Is that just something you reflexively add when someone says something you disagree with? Do you ever hear something you agree with and think that the guy who said it is a stupid fucking

Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t mean it doesn’t make sense. When I see two people speaking to each other in Chinese, I don’t understand it at all.  

It’s a valid question.

So we shouldn’t care about civil rights if it’s personal?

Nothing I said suggests nationalism, much less blind nationalism.

No one is stopping you. Seriously you are like a Pro Lifer who gets an abortion and reasons it’s ok because it isn’t illegal. You are asking the state to force us all to do something you could do voluntarily and choose not to.  

Idk, enjoy all the Nazis celebrating with you tonight? I really have nothing on that one.

No, assholes for disrespecting my and their country. I love America despite its issues and believe that when the anthem is played you honor the country by standing with hand over heart.

I’ll answer if you repost without caps lock on.

I’m able to be concerned about more than one thing at a time.

I think a show of unity and appreciation is the most American thing, notwithstanding that there are many things I would like to see change and get better.

I don’t believe a word you are saying, because anyone who was an actual old time Pats fan (never said they didn’t exist) would have to agree with me that the region and country is full of poser douchebags.

Well I think these guys are mostly full of shit in every way possible, and they are disrespecting my country, so I think they are assholes.

Less than trivial detail. It wouldn’t be a big deal regardless (it is common in even some formal writing to use the whole name in the first instance and then just the last name), but that letter was written by a dumbass. Now if they had just referred to him as “the agitator” or “that boy” you might be on to

So it’s disrespectful to the whole country, so that is better?

Because a prominent black dude is publicly accusing them of racial profiling. Any other really stupid questions?

But you also know that if this happened to a white guy all the comments would be “he’d be dead if he were black” right?

Found the guy who became a Pats fan at age 16 in 2004, can’t name anyone other than Bledsoe from the 90's, but still says he’s been a fan his whole life.

I don’t think you know what reasonable suspicion means.

Little consolation given I would not even know the show exists if not for Deadspin.