Every Boston Team Cheats


Julio Jones is a better wide receiver than any Patriot ever not named Randy Moss. Julio Jones and Randy Moss are/were fast as fuck.

I was happy saying that comment was dumb and moving on. That a bunch of hyenas started howling at me was not my fault.  

“A better way means that due process is not an abstract legal principle only discussed in lecture halls. Due process is the foundation of any system of justice that seeks a fair outcome. Due process either protects everyone, or it protects no one.”


Go fuck yourself. Dude fucking cheated.

The vast majority of Pats fans are fans because they win. Most aren’t even from New England and the Pats were the forgotten team of that region until 2001. And you’ll very rarely find one that acknowledges it. “My uncle used to live in Providence” or “I went to Michigan” or some other bullshit. They can’t

Ah, now the butt says owie!

That I am being courteous enough to respond is a testament to my manners and character. I am providing context, whether it changes your feedback loop is not my problem.

You are butthurt that I called a dumb comment dumb. That’s ok.

Do better.

Nope, I’m very happy. You are really bad at predicting things about me!

You’re welcome!!

So then you must care what I have to say, since you subsequently responded?

White person over here not giving a shit, just FYI

Her job is to sell makeup and shit to the public - the whole public. Being controversial in any way is a bad business decision. In what world would anyone feel sorry for her?

You aren’t supposed to openly call for obstruction so that you get elected. You are supposed to pay lip service to collaboration, do nothing, then be an obstructionist, then blame the other side.

The guy got his settlement, and he was at least partly at fault. You can stop making him some tragic victim now.

A civil settlement is not a tacit admission of guilt in a criminal sense. And for good reason — we want to encourage parties to settle out of court, and being able to use a settlement (which usually contains a “no admission of fault” and “will not file criminal charge” provision”) as a cudgel would fuck with that.