Every Boston Team Cheats

I’m calling someone an asshole for being disrespectful. That isn’t narrow minded. Calling the Nazis who marched in Charlottesville assholes isn’t narrow minded either, but I guess now you’d have to argue otherwise. Congrats, you’re on the side of Nazis.

See what you falsely presume is that being disrespectful during the anthem is the least bit productive. I’d say it does jack shit.

None of that explains why you don’t care about children dying of AIDS.

Thanks for being offended on their behalf, 50 years later. People talk about first responders, but you’re the real hero!

Looks like a woman’s handwriting - and probably on the older side since it’s pretty neat and in cursive.

It couldn’t have been a Hispanic woman, they can’t write in English or afford stamps!

Why would your children open random mail addresses to you?

Not a fan of cops, but clearly you have some unresolved issues about sucking dicks. Godspeed.

No, my ability to write a coherent and grammatically correct sentence is the best thing going for me.

You’re a stupid piece of shit that pretends to speak for black people.

You’re a stupid cunt trying to put words in my mouth. God, you are dumb.

I’m an American and the anthem is a tribute to America. If you disrespect it then you disrespect all Americans including me. That’s a really shitty gotcha you tried there.

That’s because you’re a fucking dipshit.

I mean, that is great stoner logic if nothing else.


I don’t live in ATL - I live in another place you’d ignorantly describe as racist  

No, I would not. I think it’s disrespectful. If everyone took a knee for a subject that I’m a big proponent of, say free trade, school choice or legalizing weed, I’d say it’s disrespectful.

No, it’s patriotism. When you say “despite” you are recognizing the issue and implicitly hoping it gets better. One of the best things about America is it’s ability to get better.

Well here is the SEC not doing it in a press release. That was the first place I looked. And that is the federal regulator of the securities industry,an organization of 1000+ attorneys, which you would think would be more formal, more proficient, more basically everything than the fucking union of the LVPD (not even

You are not volunteering to do something that you think everyone should be forced to do, and that you could easily do. It makes you uncomfortable or you don’t like being called out, cool.