Every Boston Team Cheats

That’s fine. All I care about is that after an entire offseason of hearing how brilliant the Patriots are and how they would end up going 19-0 ...they get absolutely shit on by the Chiefs on the opening night of the season ...I’m happy and I’ll take it.

You know a lot about mail. I believe you on both postal matters and my anus status


Why would somebody list a return address on an “anonymous” letter? Suspect that part, at least, was spoofed, as it’s the address for a country club.

The argument that “white people cannot be the victims of racism” or “racism towards white people isn’t racism” is flatly on it’s face racist.

They didn’t even have reasonable suspicion of a shooting? I thought Bennett said in his twitter statement that he and everyone around heard gunshots. Are you saying that everyone is just making that up?

I hate to give the fat man credit but he was dead right about Kaepernick girlfriends tweet, Which he called out months ago. While this site didn’t even report on it because it didn’t fit this sites agenda.

Gleaning moral superiority from arbitrary entertainment choices shows a lack of understanding morality, and sounds like a dipshit trying to convince themselves they’re not a dipshit. Which is why it’s rampant here.

Get fucked.

Here’s the difficulty I have. Yes, Trump is absolutely the worst in terms of his policies and lack of qualifications for the position. However, I think as a liberal, it is a betrayal to get into guilt by association, especially when it comes to personal judgments. Painting the world in black and white, good and bad,

See, that’s the thing. I know you don’t. Because I get that for Pats fans, they really can’t imagine not tying up their football fandom in the idea that their team winning games reflects well on them.

COME ON—— YOU have to be upset or the shitbags from the root aint happy

they don’t understand that when I say ‘white people’ I don’t mean them as a person.

“He went as long as he could”