
Yeah, I'm betting he was an uber-stalker she was better rid of as quickly as possible. She goes on a few dates with him and when she says she's sick, he shows up at the hospital? That's fucking crazy. I don't visit co-workers who I've worked with for years at the hospital.

I think this is true. I think some people look for reasons to be assholes to puff up their own consequence, because inside they are really small, worthless people.

the thing is, he just told you why servers hate you, but you keep saying it's not a problem. Because it's not. For you. If you have seating requirements, it would be better to call ahead and work that out prior to arriving at the restaurant.

Good pic of Oscar Wilde

Haha. She's holding her cigarette like January Jones does in MadMen.

I feel completely cheated. Where's the big reveal that it was Carly and Jenny having an affair with each other??? I don't know why I bothered to read this mess.

Is it Alabama?

I think the key difference is that they are your sister's male friends. As in they have the ability and interest in genuinely forming a relationship with a real girl/woman and not in spinning ridiculous fantasies about women they've never said a word to.

did anyone else read the header s The Real Fully Loses it's Shit Over Tamera Mowry's Baby Gender REVERSAL?

Isn't this the kind of relationship Rubber Dolls are made for?

I actually know someone with celiac disease, and it is terrible, she has to go in for blood work all the time, and the list of things she can't eat is humongous, because gluten is used as a filler for tons of stuff, like gum.

I get that, but I was thinking more of the mother-like relationship with your SO killing sexual desire.

Do you think this leads to the other half of the perpetual marriage complaint: That married men don't get sex from their wives anymore?

That's the point, though, isn't it? You should go to TGIF if you prefer ranch dressing to some beautiful bit of perfection a chef thinks s/he has created. There's no shame in that, but not everything you want all the time everywhere you go should always be available to you. Just like TGIF wouldn't be able to serve you

That really is true. You feel so invested that you think you're a failure if you bail, but once you do, it doesn't take long for you to realize what a waste of time and emotion it was. You marvel at your blindness to the all the pointless compromises, to the piss-poor quality of life you accepted, and how depressive

Oh, that has totally happened.

I really can't believe this is the same woman who performed that one woman show in the 90s. It was so good; she seemed brilliant. It is beyond disappointing, it's unfathomable they are the same woman.

It's not just the licensing and regulation that cab companies have to abide; it's the fact that cab companies are LIABLE when a driver causes harm to a passenger. They are liable, they can be sued, and a victim can be compensated. UBER denies ANY liability and you have no recourse when you are injured. It is not a

That's not quite true, not vaccinating your kids leads to the spread of diseases. I think there is actually a case in the U.S. that proves this.

I think if she ever said that, that her career was as meaningful as kids, or that it makes a difference in a lot of lives,she would be mocked mercilessly.