Because of the Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie thing.
Because of the Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie thing.
I think she was probably trying to counter the "selfish" charge. Pointing out that people can care and nurture other beings besides children.
Yes. The Irish are all drunks. But we're also lazy too. I honestly do know who would win in the lazy contest, big butts or drunk Irish.
Oh, come on. They totally have black friends who are totally cool with this.
I hope very shortly there will be a 24 year old man who gets a hefty windfall as a result of a civil suit.
When my car got broken and my stereo and CDs were stolen into everyone I knew was careful to point out that I was an "alleged" victim of theft.
Did his mom okay this? Because apparently they will both be living in her house.
I like your thinking
oh, shit, you motherfucker "...word, dog. I get you. I GET you, and Jesus gets you. Isn't that so dope and slammin'? Let's pray."
It seems to me like you are. All of you. Every last one of you hates some group of people, usually multiple groups.
Brandy with lemon, the historical romance novel cure for the cold.
A+ was (is?) a movement in the atheist community to be more active in social movements — LGBTQ rights, feminism, anti-racism, etc. It was a reaction against recent cases of misogyny in the community and I believe some transphobia? (not sure)
blah, blah, blah.
You can post ass. Fucking ass, god damn motherfucking asshole shitstain, go crazy! You can post it all here.
Look at you, sticking up for accused rapists! Bless your heart.
We ain't the law, hoss.
Come on. Everyone knows the best marriages are built on the fear of homelessness and abject poverty.
Issues. Wow.
That line was a close kin of "Bless your heart." It meant "You goddamn better bring us some justice."
Now, that is a crime.