Even Steven

If it walks like a fascist, talks like a fascist, and acts like a fascist.

I did not say every person on the left. I was pretty specific. Every group has its nuts. Sites like this could use a reminder every once in a while.

I know. It’s also amazing that they’re all so eager to accept Hamas’ word that all the “victims” were unarmed. Since Hamas has since admitted that the vast majority of those that were killed were its members, I sincerely doubt they were all unarmed.

The number of liberals that supports Hamas is kind of amazing.

Because everyone knows Hamas is a nightmare, and that the only way for this to end is for them to give up. Even your favorite lefties.

Hamas uses human shields all the time. Google “UN Hamas Human Shields” and you’ll find plenty of evidence for it.

Someone the radio recently described Palestine as “an open air prison.”

There’s a therapy group for regular people that hate their job and feel they are totally underpaid in 2018 America .

You don’t bite the hand that feeds. If the money people who run your operation are in bed with someone powerful and you write critical pieces about them for that operation, you will likely be told to stop (or, if they’re very upset, fired).

The party abandoned the working class. You party hacks stick “white” in there to sow division where you could promote solidarity.

I’m not saying he can’t be, I’m saying a guy who looks like that is unlikely to win a general election where the majority of the voting bloc does not carry DSA membership cards in their wallets.

Psssst... Bernie would have won.

There isn’t even any mention of antifa in the article, the tweets cited or anything.

Woah. First of all, I thought that just the author of the article doesn’t know what antifa is, but now it seems it’s spreading. Or you’re deliberately misinforming ppl. Not sure.

Anyway, saying that the black block, or the squatter movement, equals antifa isn’t at all correct. Although the right would very much like

This is what the future of the left looks like m? Good luck with that.

I was going to say hadn’t left middle school yet.

“We’re barely journalists!” - purported journalists

I’ve read it all and only the headline says anything about antifa. Not one tweet mentioned here, nothing.
Where did the antifa angle come from, then? Why didn’t you start with “(...) think Chris Clizza is an anteater”? Would be on the same level of accuracy.

Oh, I dunno, rioting, overturning and burning cars, shouting down speakers with whom you disagree, any of that ring a bell?

Just remember: YOU are the bunch who swore Sarah Palin putting little targets on a map in places the GOP was, um, TARGETING for electoral wins was the direct cause of the shooting of Gaby Giffords.