Even Steven

It’s funny to see the SJWS over at the root are actually huge racists and no one gives a shit. We get it this women is obviously crazy but, you have to go and say “oh welfare is a white person thing”, well more white people get shot by cops per year but since theres less black people stat wise black people are more

So, we stan for Cardi but hate on people that demonstrate for black lives? You should watch “The Rachel Divide” - changed my whole opinion of her once I had adequate context. Maybe we’re just playing ourselves where Ms. Diallo is concerned.

I know we shit on Rachel but let’s also acknowledge that she’s adopted black babies when they’re rarely adopted.

You know, I watched that doc on Netflix and came away from it feeling sort of sorry for her. I remember when all of that went down and I didn’t really have an opinion on it other than it was really bizarre.

Sorry, Im very emotional right now I just love their piece on lead poisoning so much

They asked you for donations. Did you donate? This is probably your fault.

Jimmie Carter is a bitter hateful old man. Also, although Habitat for Humanity is a worthy cause, the former President so admired by Nolan did try to cover up the Habitat for Humanity Chief, Millard Fuller’s alleged sexual misconduct on at least two occasions:

What on earth are you talking about? I am honestly flummoxed here.

What? You’re saying that the supplier is deprived of money because of there is a shipping contract?  Wow, you are ignorant. I am amazed. That’s just not true. Do you understand supply side economics, or the supply chain? Or, how freight works?

Not really an argument insomuch as a statement of fact. Look at Seattle for instance. Their labor wages went up on average 7.2 percent and their cost of living expenses are up 3.3 and rising to meet labor wages. Give it another year and they will be back to exactly where they were, except WORSE. Cause that guy who was

Turns out I was right; moving pictures are the devil’s handiwork, drawing in miscreants and sinners. The camera steals a part of your soul, substantially more so than photographs, if you’d believe that.

Come on homie, the supplier willingly entered into the contract. The government didn’t force them to. It’s like this home slice; if the supplier wants to make more profit they’ll produce more and sell to you and Home Depot.

This is a gross and pathetic article. Really a far reach here. If this is the case, then all Muslims are terrorist and all white people are white supremacist etc. etc.

Contracts are still binding in a free market. Is the cost of protecting good not included in the shipping cost? Or do you suggest companies hire guards to literally ride shotgun?

Not necessarily. Ownership of the goods would be outlined in a contract between Home Depot and the supplier. If the terms are FOB shipping point (most common) the goods belong to Home Depot as soon as they leave the supplier. If the terms are FOB destination ownership transfers when delivered to Home Depot. Assuming

This man blazed his step-granddaughter, so this shit doesn’t surprise me...

WHOM he groomed her as a child.

He messed with his step great grand daughter AND I PUT HIM ON THE LIST. She was at the time a very pretty innocent black girl just out from Uni. The age gap was like 30 years. And he groomed her as a child.

sorry brah, flashbacks don’t exist, nor does lsd stay in your spine, or cause insanity, etc. any other nonsense propaganda from the 60's :P

I hope McDonald’s is next. I can’t tell if flipping D-grade beef patties on a filthy griddle for $9/hr. is a shitty job no one but teenagers should be making a career of!