To be fair, I think adopting children who need a family is a greater cause than trying to get stars on kinja
To be fair, I think adopting children who need a family is a greater cause than trying to get stars on kinja
Evangelicals are the worst, now let me tell you about all my dogmatic political beliefs..
Why don’t woke people just become police officers and be the change they want to see?
I just assume the ownership group for GMG has ties to Lowe’s or something. That’s how it works now..
Notice the timing of the opinion pieces? Trying to argue CNN is not biased is like trying to argue Fox news is not biased in that it is a bad argument.
No problem, I am always happy to help.
They say the first 48 hours of viral Twitter “news” is the golden hours for ad click revenue..
I don’t see the lie here, he is 100% correct.
I actually think Michelle Wolf is a good face for the modern progressive movement, edgy for the sake of being edgy but with no idea on specific issues and just kind of says things hoping other people approve..
He probably doesn’t want his name associated with the current toxic group of shrieking progressives.
I am shocked that a click bait blog would blast a story nationally to smear an officer, and that story ends up being a total lie, shocked I tell you!
They (allegedly) told them the restaurant was closed, I think that implies the bathroom was closed too.
They were paid protesters and agitators!!1!!1!!1!!
They actually are very intertwined, a uniting message is what Obama ran on and it worked (even though he failed to deliver), not everyone is smug race warriors like the progressives are, which is what appears to be the chasm in the Left at this point in time.
The #resistance has moved on to free speech custom cake issues now
Oh look, another over sensationalized story that originated from social media, seems to be a pattern..
Twitter is great at riling up people over stupid stuff, this is just the latest example. “You mean I can’t walk into closed businesses and do whatever I want?!?!?”
Capitalism sucks!!
Is it ok to not like anybody in this story..
Lol, people are getting journalism award nominations for tweets now..