
Their use is obvious: extracting rent.

They have no use. Most of them don’t even know how to make the products their company manufactures or produces, nor how those products function or should function. Elon Musk is the perfect example; most executives are silly rich kids and they all sit on the boards of each other’s companies in this weird incestuous

Another week, another comment from Beefsquatch reminding saying bring back the guillotine. Late stage capitalism is the enemy and shareholders are the cancer 

100%. I work for a fortune 500, and it is the same cycle every time. Our economy is dependent on the myth of unlimited growth. When you lay off all of these people, it frees up reporting cash for shareholders to see. Which means when they actually do have growth, they will need to re-hire anyways and have massive

What kind of human garbage”

The weird thing about it for me is that players were stuck as Star Lord when he’s always the least interesting guardian. Being able to swap between characters or having 2 player co-op would’ve brought the game to a new level.

...but then they can sell you a $20 “cradle” to lay it horizontally! 

Agreed! Amazing game.

If we spent it to develop actual Mutant Ninja Turtles. Id say it's well worth it!

He went looking for a fight and found one.  That isn’t self defense, except in Wisconsin and Florida.

Now playing

I hope someone asked him if he’d seen this clip.

Exactly, they give them out like candy anyways. I checked yesterday and I have like 16 saved up, keep forgetting to use them.

YES. My biggest problem from the show. They built her up all those years to just die off and for Ted to revert back to being a sociopath. 

Perhaps, but Cristin Milioti was simply perfect casting only to be tossed aside for a 9 Yr old premise the showrunners had taken great steps to dissuade us from.

I think it is because people aren’t listening to PCF when they say IT IS NOT A GaaS. They keep bitching about end game content when PCF has repeatedly said this is the complete game, and we will do some DLC’s based on engagement.

I’ve got a theory that its actually translated distaste from destiny haters as destiny kinda stalled the genre in a way? Not by actually killing it but by existing in the space for such a long time despite being pretty mediocre.

I think the scarier thing is that this game has a market, not that it was made.

I’ve played WoW for literally over 15 years now, and I can’t fathom why ANYONE is interested in “Classic” WoW. Seriously, the game was shit back then. At least half the classes had two specs that were either bad or outright did not work at all. Some specs were badly designed on purpose - paladin or druid tanks were

Damn right. 

As someone who loves both Bourdain’s and Phil’s shows, I’m happy that they both exist! Phil’s wide-eyed openness for me is a nice counterbalance to Bourdain’s angsty world-weariness. Phil doesn’t give you the insider’s perspective but is an entertaining tourist. Even if I went to the places he visits, I wouldn’t be