
There’s been what, like 5 games exclusive to current gen? If that many? And they don’t even have any first party games scheduled for this year... And they’re already talking about winding down the system? They can go kick rocks. That’s insane. 

Adam Sessler is 100% right when he talks about people who call themselves “Gamers”. 

I absolutely looooooved Blitzball. I obsessed over finding all the recruits, and was convinced there was a secret super recruit out there to sign to my team. I probably spent more time playig BB than I did with the rest of the game combined. 

No doubt, that would have been great... Still had a blast with it though. 

Hard disagree. It was one of the best games of 2022. 

Right, that eliminates it from ever being in my house. I don’t have a spot for vertical stuff. 

I’ve literally never had an Xbox controller with any sort of analog stick issues. I don’t think it’s that common. 

Surprised no Sea of Stars on the list... I like it a bit more than Octopath 2.

I don’t see people I follow when I open it up. And I can’t search any topics or keywords, only users. It’s really hard to find stuff that I want to engage with if it’s just a bunch of influencers and advertisers flooding my feed. 

Yes, he’s a piece of shit, but almost every product for sale on the mass market is made by a company with a piece of shit in charge (CEO’s)... If I chose not to purchase anything that benefited someone who was a piece of shit, I would be living in an empty house. Obviously no disrespect if you choose not to buy the

It’s so interesting how it varies. I didn’t have a problem with the Beast.... But Maliketh and the Fire Giant nearly made me quit the game. 

The people that are upset about this and calling it “waste” are the same people that think it’s ok that we spend $900 billion on defense every year.

If by “backlash” you mean a handful of Andrew Tate wannabe incels yelling from their mom’s basement about the “gAy aGenDa” then sure, I guess. 

This isn’t new... Universal is notorious for having rides that are a bit tight for people who are a little more meaty than most. And not even “fat” people... People who are like, size 36-38 waist will still have trouble fitting on more than a few rides there. It’s been like that for years. 

Hard disagree. I’ve bought every Pixel variant that I’ve seen come up. I think they’re great. 

Lol, I got the skin by ordering a carry out order on BK’s french website. Cost me $8. No reason to pay $40 for it. 

I remember working there as a manager years ago, back when there were still multiple MLB game releases every year, and we had a promotion where you’d get a free bobble head if you bought 2 baseball games. Like... who the fuck buys 2 baseball games? We got berated every day because literally no. body. bought 2 games

The people shitting on this game must have been watching a different presentation. It looks incredible. 
