
Religion is poison.

What a shit take.


If you have a Celestial Dew you can offer it at the Church of Vows and it will bring back any NPC that you might have killed or aggro’d. 

Why are our only choices Will Arnett or Andy Samberg?

YES. My biggest problem from the show. They built her up all those years to just die off and for Ted to revert back to being a sociopath. 

Same boat here. I’m sure the games are fun but I refuse to be tethered to my PS5 by a cable while I turn and flail around like a madman. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. 

Gonna hard disagree on that one. 

You don’t buy too much lego I see... 2,000 pieces for $170 is actually a pretty good price to piece ratio. That’s less than .10 a piece, which is usually the average. 

Dolly is a goddamn saint and I’ll fist fight anyone that says otherwise.

Lego is doing a lot of sets these days meant for display and not play. They usually label them 18+. 

Imagine. Fans of the band singing along with the live show. The fucking nerve. /s

I’m in agreement with you for the most part. Most of the post Pinkerton albums have a couple good songs here and there, but most of them are forgettable. I will say that the first three singles off this one have been very solid... not sure if that’ll hold up album wide, but I’ll give it a chance. 

Same here. The combat is fun, the classes are all very different, very fun to play... the weapon modding system should be the industry standard going forward... It’s not a Game as a Service... I’m not sure why some people like to shit on it. 

Fantasian is fantastic. They really nailed the old school JRPG feel, and those diorama environments are gorgeous. 

Well then the instructions aren’t correct either. I downloaded the PS4 version, migrated the save, deleted the PS4 version, downloaded the PS5 version and logged in and my save was there. 

You don’t have to install both versions at once to do this. Ari’s incorrect in this article. 

You DO. NOT. have to have both versions downloaded. It works perfectly fine if you migrate your save and then delete the PS4 version before downloading the PS5 version. I literally did this last night. 

A great bossfight is the best thing about gaming. A great bossfight will stick with you for years... A few of my favorites:

Resident Evil 4- The giant salamander in the lake.

This isn’t even close to the worst launch lineup. That’s a ridiculous statement.