
“You’ll often see the Ghost icon pop up in the top right corner, indicating that there’s something nearby to scan for some good lore details, but the game doesn’t do a good job of telling you how to find it, and often it appears in the middle of heavy firefights.”

As a lifelong Niner fan, this was artful. I’ve watched Jed York, a literal fuck-up artist, destroy this team in a matter of 2 years. There’s never been a more artful and more efficient destruction of a sports franchise in my opinion.

And I will gleefully pre-order that game AND console T_T

How does one even get to miniature production stage?? I have one successful Kickstarter under my belt and a fun and interesting big box game ready to go apart from some lingering art and it could easily have cool minis and I’ve been completely stuck for finding a 3d modeler, not to mention the absurd cost for the 3d

It’ll make the eel come out.

Enjoy your gaming now... take it from another father of twins (almost four now). You will enter a hellscape for a few years, just hang in there and know that it will pass. We’re pretty much at the light at the end of the tunnel now that the terrible twos (and threes, which no one ever seems to talk about until you

My experience with the Switch is a little different than Kirk’s because I’ve been playing it primarily as a portable. That’s the thing with the Switch. If you use it primarily on your TV, you’ll have one experience. If you play it on the go or at least away from the TV, you may have a very different one.

I do $20 a season. For me it’s because I love the game, all dlc is free and this game is actively making me save money by only wanting to play it instead of new games.

The first thing civil rights activists don't do is compare atrocities among the oppressed.

Woo, my story is published!


It is now. Originally they said June but then moved it up thankfully. This post was from early March.

It’s not OP, it just has a higher dps than anything else. But it’s slow to start so you have time to go back to the corner you came from before dying even if you’re playing a squishy like Tracer. I have a litte more problem with the combo Reinhardt + Bastion into a corner on objectives that allow it, that’s a little

I’ve not the first problem with personal firearm ownership for home defense, hunting, or target shooting (note: none of these pursuits require assault weapon ownership; I have a huge issue with assault weapons as a whole).

I do, however, have a serious issue with defining an entire nation through firearm ownership.

Yes, I meant he was 3 inches shorter. Bit of a brain fart, that.

I feel you man. Superman still gets me going. Special place in my heart for that song.

Thank you THPS for introducing me to ska music at a young age. Love Goldfinger.

Am I missing something? Why are there 2037809 posts about Mass Effect lately? I mean, I love the games, but has something new been announced recently or something?