
Do these morons not realize that we already got a SUBSTANTIAL revenge for pearl harbor? Ugh... sometimes it really is embarrassing to be american.

Lol'd at "Hitchcock Pro"

Agreed... though it's better him than Stephen A.

I have no idea how you can think this show is as bad as you do... I absolutely love the show, and it makes me wish it was real life instead of fiction...

To do what you are describing, you must still be connected to the internet. In fact, what you described is exactly what happens in D3...

I've never donated to a kickstarter cause................. Until today. FUCK YES!

Damn... I know... I got up today and saw this in my profile page and wondered when the hell I typed it, lol... I was a little confused...

I'm pretty sure the multiplayer mode is available to everyone who buys the game... your attempt at alarmist over reaction is a failure, even though I acknowledge your schtick directed at other companies like activision and capcom... yet I refuse to accept your vision of "all DLC should be free"..... but it could be

Baldur's Gate is cool and all... where's my Neverwinter nights sequel?

Yes... with certain goods, but if I buy an artistic interpretation of something (which is what we all want games to be) then we have a responsibility to understand that it may be contrary to what our vision for it might have been... this isn't a bag of groceries...

I will download the ending... but I feel kind of dirty doing so... I don't like the precedent of a community being able to whine enough to get its way. I want to have to respect the creative vision of a company whether I like it or not... I think that's my responsibility as a consumer when purchasing artistic goods.

They are working on a new Mechassault game... Don't know when it's coming out or anything, and I haven't seen any screens or anything on it, but it's there.

His explanation read something like "I'm not as good as I used to be at reading spreadsheets" or something... I dunno...

All over Tony Hawk, and the wife wants Wreckateer... looks pretty fun, as we have absolutely worn the shit out of both Boom Blox games.

Bashiok actually confirmed that it was the world's first on his twitter...

He apologized not long after and confirmed that it was...

I don't think he means it like that... I think he means it more as there will be some sort of integrated digital distribution going on with home entertainment after that, and we won't have to have a dedicated console for it...

So I just picked up the game today... someone tell me the allure of HC mode... is the loot better, or is it just to be a badass, or what?

I disagree... I buy every year's game and I can count on one hand how many times I've even touched the multiplayer... It just turns into a yearly "op'd player of the moment" and "money play" fest... I much prefer the sim side of the game, and I believe I read an article recently that said that most players do the same.

If the PS3's voice chat didn't completely suck (I have one, love both systems, not a fanboy) then the same thing would be able to be said about the PSN.