
I'm just saying that a woman bitching about booth babes at E3 is like a dude bitching about there being too many pairs of shoes to choose from in his wife's closet.

I think the Wii U looks pretty cool... The one thing I wish Nintendo did was introduce some sort of achievement system... I know it's cool to hate on achievements, and I did too at one time, but I have grown to love them. And no, a system doesn't HAVE to have them to be great, it just would have been cool to see...

::Looks underneath title for author::

All the haters on here must be too young to realize what a great 3D fighting game DoA is.

It's actually a very deep fighting game... imo the best one of the fully 3d ones... I can't wait for this shit.

Three things: 1) I miss this show sooooooooo much. Raise your glass to the old TechTV/G4 channel...

That's the biggest reason I bought a PS3... I prefer 360 for most games, but The Show was a system seller for me... except this year when they botched the playoff system.

Holy shit... I am now an idiot for not downloading this gem yet....

Adventure games, yes... not point and click.

I loved Day of the Tentacle as much as anyone else, but point and click? In 2012? Seriously?

All these mock ups... time for a 'shop contest....

Pics or it didn't happen....

When technology allowed for stuff not to suck... like 15 years ago.

They said any consoles already here would be barred from sale too though....

oh my god... nintendo is releasing patches???? Hell just froze over... next thing you know they will have a reliable online system that people actually want to use and start using voice actors in their games.... hell, they might even have HD graphics on a console one day.

The launch hasn't hurt PC gaming so much as dumb shit always on DRM has...

I have owned just about every console available in the last 15 years and I have to say that I personally prefer the 360 controller over all others... there are some drawbacks... but for shooters, racers, and sports, I have to give it to the 360 controller... I prefer fighters on the PS3 pad though... so it's not like

Ohhh.... I thought we were just talking about the weekly episodes.

Weekly free DLC... in this day and age where they usually squeeze all they can out of gamers with pointless DLC, and you're bitching?

Good stuff... weekly free goodies isn't a bad thing!