
"The Halo Movie Failed because Hollywood is Hollywood"

It's a joke that Newton beat out Patrick Willis.

It literally takes about 1.22 seconds to mute the entire room in a COD game. Why do people still complain so much about the voice chat? Are you people unaware that you can mute these things with such ease, or are you just lazy?

One example and everyone's proved wrong eh?

I used to be a big COD fan... and honestly I think it's still a really good fun shooter. I don't blame the game for the community... it's so easy to mute people on a COD game (Literally takes half a second) that that's not even a valid complaint anymore.... But what I'm getting at is after playing Battlefield 3, I

What losses is Bethesda gonna claim when the guy is giving them away????

Fuck this flat, 2d surface bullshit... I'll donate if he builds it fully 3d and traversable by the average human being.

Yeah... I meant shotgun, I know it doesn't take as much skill, but I was just talking about the total rambo-esque nature of the clip lol...

That part where he's goin ham with the shotgun is sick... k, gotta put in some BF3 now.

My reply to this headline: THEN KWITCHERBITCHIN.

A couple of thrill rides? Nah man, there's a ton there to do... I love it... my wife and I go every year and we don't even have kids... lol. But to each his own I guess... But I challenge you to do the international beer crawl in Epcot and not have a blast after about 15 beers from all over the world, lol.

Ok... I'm waaaaaaaaaay behind the race here, but can someone explain to me what happens in Minecraft when you build something crazy like this? Is it open world, like can people come see and walk around your creation? Is it an MMO? Or is it just a one player experience? Which, in fact, would make it seem REALLY boring

Nothin wrong with that outfit at all...

It's weird in the gaming media... I've noticed that most in the media side of the industry act as if they could give two shits about the competitive multiplayer side of the games... I don't know if most are just bullshitting or telling the truth, but it's a weird trend that I've noticed on here and many other sites,

Someone show me some Paul Christoforo cosplay or GTFO.

Did he actually start?

The toon is hotter than the real life chick... The toon doesn't have those bloated botox lips... why are people still doing that to themselves????

Daaaamn.... well I'll have to check this out for myself in the morning, as I'm unable to play with the new settings til then... but I hope it's not TOO bad...

My bad... does 10 British Pounds Sterling equal 15$ american? I'm a little rusty on my exchange rates these days...

If all the guns suck after the patch, then doesn't that mean that they are all pretty much perfectly balanced?