
When's the last time you saw a 10$ map pack on COD? Because I don't remember it...

This is the worst thing I've ever seen.

Key word: also. I've never been a PC gamer much anyway. And as far as a computer goes (gaming not considered) a mac, imo, is light years better than any PC I've ever owned...

because I have a 360 and a macbook already and am not wealthy enough to also buy a gaming PC. That's the real answer.... Sidenote: I thoroughly enjoy Skyrim on my 360. Sorry.

You are doing yourself a disservice not playing it if you're a huge fan of ME2... I think it's awesome so far... about 20 hours in.... and the Multiplayer is surprisingly a blast.

Is the N7 Hoodie a fem shep only thing? Looks way better than anything on Bro Shep....

Never mind....

We got one traded in at Gamestop a few years ago... I think we gave like 12.00 or something for it. (I had no idea how rare it was)... and when I ran it through the system and printed a tag out for it I about shit myself when it came out reading 174.99 USED.

Yeah, I haven't experienced any lag during a match at all... but the sound thing bugs me. Oh well... still loving the game.

Has anyone with the PS3 version noticed the sound cutting in and out at some points during matches? Or am I just hearing things?

Shame on you for putting BF3's game and community in the same league as COD's... The BF community is nowhere near as bad as COD's... and BF3 is so much better than COD it's not even funny.

Is it just me or does every single person in the gaming media talk about how they despise competitive multiplayer and never play it?

Just because they aren't playing it doesn't mean they don't think it's a good game. I own ME3 and Dark Souls... love them both... been playing ME3 the last week a little more than DS of course, because it's new.

I don't give a shit about most of the old soundtrack as long as Goldfinger's Superman is on there...

Eh... continuity in a fighting game is kind of like the storyline in a porn flick... it really serves no purpose. So if they want to open up the possibility of characters to appear to even a bigger universe, that's fine with me. I just thought it was funny...

Wait... hold on... wtf is Pac man and mega man doing in a STREET FIGHTER x TEKKEN game???

No current playoff system, no buy for me. I love this game but I am a sim-freak... why not just give us an option to use the future system or the classic? Makes no sense... glaring omission. I hope they can fix it through some DLC.

This is hardly a nitpick... lots of people play these games (myself included) to get a real as possible simulation baseball season. You can't do it without the current playoff system. Honestly, I absolutely LOVE The Show, but I won't get it unless they fix this... why not even include an option to turn it on or off?

I haven't picked up SFxT yet, only because I want to see how much they are going to charge for these characters... it's bullshit to begin with, but if it's just a couple bucks per then I can deal with it... now if they try the same bullshit they tried with MvC and charge 5 bucks per then they can kiss my ass...

I think I might be in the same boat as you since I didn't play it until I had a PS2 and after I had played FFX... so my perspective is a little skewed on the subject.