
Ahhh excellent... I had it on iOS, but never finished it... I did like what I played though!

Ahhh... I see what you're saying. Touche...

Only 3 games in the series could be argued to be the best.... FF:VI (American III), FF:VII, and FF:X

You mean VI right? VI was III in America...

God of war is awesome... and developed in America, by SCE Santa Monica, lead designer: An American named David Jaffe.

80's action movies were fucking awesome!

There are rare gems like that, but more and more the games of this gen from Japan are falling shorter and shorter.

None of that even makes sense.

While this guy is really kind of a dick for saying it like he did, he did point out that Japanese games have taken an outright dive in the last decade or so... They still rule the Fighting Game genre if you ask me, but outside of that outside of a game here and there the western world has really surpassed them in

Well... I'm thinking it's gotta be someone that's large enough to take on the entire DCU... And Darksied is kind of the same kind of villain as Brainiac... by that I mean alien and world dominating...

There's also a new powerset available, and some new areas to explore and such...

I'm betting it's Darksied... Been loving this game since they got their shit together with regular content updates.

Anyone else find it really funny that the Nevada state law requires all lottery proceeds to go to charity, but you can run a casino for 100% profit there?

I'm a fan of both consoles, but the truth of the matter is that the 360 has the much better online service, and the voice chat system on PS3 BARELY works most of the time... of course you pay for that on the xbox, so I would hope this was the case...

Ha... I'm working a double that day... so if I can't play, NO ONE CAN PLAY!!! Lol....

Ok I was about to get upset when I read the headline, then I realized that it's not DLC that you're buying but all the ACCESSORIES...

Another case of rich folk getting all the cool free shit... at least I'm betting it was free...

Ah I see what you mean... true enough... I actually feel that after it went F2P that it got a LOT better... I play it now more than when I first got it....

Since DCU went F2P it's actually become very popular... PC Gamer named it MMO of the year actually...

It'll end up being a piece of PG-13 trash because Hollywood has absolutely no sack.