
Well damn... I kind of wish I hadn't gotten to this party so late... I've only started listening to them the last week or so ( A friend told me to check out the Church of Skyrim ones ) And am loving it... but sounds like I missed out on the heyday!

THIS is the pirate that the entertainment industry needs to be attacking. Not the guy in his house uploading games and files that he ALREADY OWNS.

"I am personally impressed with what we've achieved today,"

Patrick Willis or GTFO.

Funny thing... If I go to a town meeting, slip the mayor a hundie, then ask that a certain local statute not be passed or something, that's bribery... but if I fill out a form and hand over a million bucks to a senator (or group of senators) in washington, that's lobbying.

Seriously? To have the season he had last year, those are awful numbers. I'd say the curse hit Hillis harder than most....

Nice lookin clamburger

So he had one great game... and that means he's never choked in the 4th quarter?

Is that you Skip Bayless? I didn't know you posted on Kotaku!

If the Giants win they should send an extra ring to Kyle Williams for getting them there.

I guess you didn't watch the last time these two played in the super bowl then?

Everything about your post is moronic and stupid. Everyone that read it is now dumber for having done so....

What school actually requires you to be clean shaven??? Is this the Citadel or something???

Why would someone protest anti cheat software???

I'm with you to a certain extent, but what about borrowing games between friends?

When I first heard this rumor I called bullshit... but now after no updates or official statements denying this from M$ I'm beginning to fear that it might be true...

This is what I see when I read your comments...

I'm with you on that mostly, but the problem with it is that what if I wanna borrow my friend's game from time to time? I guess I'm screwed? And I do trade in games a lot... it's really the only way that I'm able to get new games from time to time...

I thought Carlos Hathcock was dead....

Last to the party on