
You're baby's all like "Sup?".... Yeah, he's ready.

Hmmm... didn't know all this... I've never used a wheel on a console... I just stick with my controller... interesting.

Seems like you could find a wheel out there that, even if it's not AS good, would still suffice to make your experience a good one with the game...

Game looks friggin awesome.... Why hasn't there been a current gen remake or sequel of RC Pro Am? Something like that just SCREAMS PSN or XBLA....

Yeah... Forza won that fight a couple years ago already....

That's seriously a really good idea! I'm'a steal it....

I'm sure they had it turned off... Even in F3 you could wreck your car to the point where it wouldn't even run anymore, but you could turn off the damage effect the car's performance.

You've gotta be kidding me... Forza 3 blows away anything and everything GT5 has to offer. GT is a snore-fest... one of the biggest disappointments I've ever put in my PS3... Don't blame the game for the bad experience you had with the community... I still play Forza 3 on a regular basis... traded in GT5 after less

Nice... you, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

For the love of God someone post the vid of said quote above....

Yeah... they are a good addition to gaming. Completely optional... no reason to get harsh about it.

This looks friggin awesome... especially the gadgets that the game has... And customization is always great in games these days. I will be picking this one up for sure.

Gyah, best comparison EVER.

This game was a colossal disappointment... I thought we were going to get a live poker tourney against real people for tangible prizes, and we got nothing near that... I played one day of the live games, and saw maybe one real person at my tables... and after realizing that and seeing the effed up way they do the

The lone reason I never could get into the Diablo games... literally clicking away at a spot for hours on end... that's why I'm so pumped for the console version that Blizzard is exploring right now. This kind of game lends itself SO much better to a controller than a mouse/keyboard.

Ehhhh I don't hate it... I just prefer shooters and racers on the 360... but I play my fighters on PS3... all other genres I can take on either one... I just got used to those triggers last gen when I didn't have all the systems...

Still getting it on 360... can't play shooters on that PS3 controller...

I said they get things right from time to time... and I wouldn't call Catherine "right" exactly, but at least it was effort.

I don't ever want to be the kind of nerd that can tell the difference in what you're talking about.

The PC version sure does look beautiful... that being said the 360 version looks damn good in its own right... Do I wish I had a ballin rig to play this on? Maybe... but am I still stoked as hell to play it on my 360? Hell yes.