
He's just like me... learned on consoles... I never was that great at FPS on a PC... never could get hold of that control style. Even played a FPS on a PC before ever playing on on a console (Tribes 2) and still always preferred that control style. While I still enjoy an occasional game of TF2 on my PC I still can't

I meant archaic control schemes, camera systems, and save systems... Just look at FFXIII... you get that, and then the pres of Squenix says you can't tell a compelling story in an open world game... They still do things right at some points... fighting games, for instance, but en masse they are just lagging behind

Well... maybe the term bassackwards is misleading... I mean they are stuck in the past... they refuse to evolve...

MS should really pull out of Japan for good... the gaming culture there is so bassackwards anymore, it's just a waste of time for them at this point.

I get an email from time to time telling me that someone's trying to access my account or change my password or something... I don't really care, I quit playing 3 years ago... but it's still kind of funny.

Doesn't look as good as on a PC... everyone knew that... but it still looks bad ass and worth every penny for me... can't wait to get my 360 copy.

Or my dog that bought two random themes last week by chewing on the controller?

How did they get his address???

Haha!! I see wht you did there!

The on-field stuff is great this year, but the commentary in this year's game is so laughably bad that it's absurd... but that's really the only issue I've had.

You know that collective bargaining contracts last 8-12 years right? I don't know where people get this idea that leagues have yearly lockout threats... the last time the NFL went through this was back in the late 90's I think... Baseball had a scare in '02 or '03... so no, there will be no lockout next year... I

Only likeness... not name... it's the same kind of law that allows Weird Al to cover songs for parody... and South Park to basically call out every celebrity ever on their show... though they use names, so I don't know about that one actually... lol....

There's a couple guys at Operationsports.com that have all of em up by the 2nd or 3rd day usually... even the smaller schools... it's crazy how fast they get em up anymore.

Well... the issue here is expression... if someone is using your likeness in reality, they didn't create it (maybe the means to display your likeness, but not the likeness itself), while in the videogame, someone created that likeness...

Don't put fucking words in my mouth. You're telling me that only black players can be considered thugs? Who's the racist here?

Well if I came off like that I didn't mean to... that's not what I meant. Where I'm from "ghetto" and "thug" doesn't carry that kind of implication. Maybe because we don't have many around here...

So did Joel Shumacher direct this or what? Ugh...

Agreed... I loved RE4 but it wasn't that scary... RE5 was just garbage.

Now that's awesome... The one thing the NBA does really well is stuff like this....

Umm... ok... Lenny Wilkins?