
What's funny is that all these losers have really low GS, because no one like that can ever have a valid account long enough to build one up... lol.

@friendlygummybear: why can't we have destruction AND planes AND tons of people??

if you ask me, Bad Company 2 far eclipsed COD by a long shot... this can only make the gap wider, imo.

You can't even get a game of madden in in 30 minutes. Fuck that.

It's the owners that are causing this mess... but the player's union is run by a certified nutjob. I'm not expecting there to be a season next year... and it's sad too, because in the war of billionaires vs. millionaires, the one that loses is the fans.

@Belzebul: I agree, but the thing is, despite what they like to say, true 1:1 movement is still nowhere NEAR being truly possible in games.

When Netflix starts putting ALL their content on streaming, heck I'd pay twice as much for the service, AND drop my cable service.

Never had 2 arrows on my map...

NGP? So there's a new Neo Geo Pocket coming out?

Can't argue with this... ME2 or RDR both were rightly deserving

@earlyman: Just coat it with crack... then they'll love it.

This stuff has to be like heroin to Jack Thompson.

I don't give a shit how talented he is... Hackers like this ass hole should be put away for a LOOOONG time,

@wu-stix: Other M was also on a lot of "biggest disappointment" lists too... GT5 is a big seller of course, but most of the reviews all said that it's not as good as it should be for being so hyped and in development for so long...

@wu-stix: GT5 was very underwhelming, Metroid was garbage...

@xxnike629xx: Wow. There is so much fail in your post. There just aren't words.....