
Who cares if they are... Japan's gaming industry has become irrelevant everywhere except Japan.

@Icarus.: Agreed... MW2's DLC maps were crap... in fact, most of the maps it shipped with were crap...

In one of the closest contests ever (personally) I'd give it to RDR just BARELY over ME2... both are on my all time top 5 list... but ME2's awful end boss makes RDR the winner... that game was a downright masterpiece.

Got a 50$ gift card from Best Buy when I bought my new Xbox a couple weeks ago... which I will use to purchase LBP2 for my PS3 now...

@Tekshow: Well said... You hit it right on the head. Boxing seems to be like Japanese video games. They were great at one time, and they seem to think nothing's changed, even though it has.

Sounds good... when I saw how awesome this trailer was I knew it would never get made into a movie by those shit-bag half-wits that run the studios in hollywood. Hopefully the series will be of comparable quality.

I wouldn't call Boxing dead... but I would say that those people that claim it's still bigger than MMA are delusional. They cite the fact that Floyd Mayweather and Manny P fights get ridiculous buy rates, but what they forget is that that happens once, maybe twice a year. And the boxing matches that everyone wants to

Been playing it since 1/11... love it. Can't wait to hit lvl 30 so I can start working toward my iconic armor.

Great video... still on the fence about this though. Gonna wait for some reviews, as there certainly is no shortage of shooters on the ol' Box these days.

I gotta say I'm gonna miss 1vs100... my fiance and I had a lot of fun on tourney nights every time.... even though we never got to be the one or even in the 100... it was still a blast.

@tralfaz23: New Cake????? AHHHHH!! What's it called?

Snow almost kept me from getting it day one... but I was able to (barely) get out of my neighborhood and hit my local gamestop.

@WhoKnew?: Wrong. It's only gambling if you put up something of value. If the game doesn't require an entrance fee of some sort then it's not gambling.

@WhoKnew?: Agreed... but hopefully the tournaments will be for points and/or xbla games.... I think this will be a blast!

So fuckin pumped for ths...

@Cthulad: I've used the video chat and it works just fine... yeah, it's only over wifi, but there's also a skype app that does the same thing (very well) over 3G... so.... yeah.

Love my Iphone 4... Don't love AT&T that much... but my contract isn't over for over a year... oh well. By then there will be a new one out anyway.

@SecretMoblin: Shamefully... that's me.... For some reason or another I have never experienced this masterpiece... though that is changing at this very moment, as it's downloading on my iphone as I type!