
@Nick Edge: Woah woah woah woah woah....

I swear to god himself right now, if either the show or 2k11 doesn't get the Braves' blue road uniforms with the right hat this year after FAILING TO DO SO TWO YEARS RUNNING, I'm gonna go fucking nuclear on somebody.

SO excited about full house poker... hopefully it goes the same way as 1vs100, being live games for tangible (read: points and arcade games) prizes... because poker is NO fun if there's nothing on the line.

Can't fucking wait. This and DCU Online are my only pre summer purchases.

Had a great year overall... though it started out badly with the death of my Grandmother... Rest her soul.

That commercial with the dude from Dexter sayin "Two things America got right; Cars and Freedom" while George Washington runs down redcoats in a Dodge Charger gives me a HUGE patrio-bone.

Too bad no one will ever praise PETA for being even remotely close to logical or relevant.

@Menolly: are the Halo and COD gamers not similar?

@Arnheim: I've tried DE on the xbox and the PC numerous times, but I never could get into it.... I don't know why, but all my friends love it.

Scored a new gas grill, some clothes, Borders gift cards, some house wares (just bought my first home)... and the Expendables on Blu Ray.... No games because, much to my fiance's chagrin, I never wait for christmas to get the games I want, lol.

@CommentatorHatman: You are right, sir.... I couldn't remember which one was which... but yeah, No Mercy was the shit!

Holy shit, my interest in this just went from "Hmmmmm..." to "I can't fucking wait!"

This is actually good to see that it's only 560 points.... I was expecting an 800 pt price point.

@xReturnerx: Well you haven't been playing the same game I have... sure there have been bugs (it's beta), but the game isn't even close to CoH(played that for a couple years)... CoH is slow, click and wait style, just like all the rest of the MMO's out there.... DC is fast paced and refreshing.

@Chromie192: No thanks... You can keep your World of Farmcraft, I prefer fast paced action and great story.

@NexusSIX: Drake is BaaAAaaack!: Eh, it's a fast paced alternative to the point and wait style MMO's that are so popular... it's a straight up action game with cool powers and when you level up a bit and get a few powers to chain together it's friggin awesome.... the story flows, and the boss fights are some of the