
@xReturnerx: Wow.... not even close. The action is fast paced, frenetic, the quests are fast paced, the graphics are stellar (Draw distance is incredible with so many people on screen)... And the loot system is addicting, I can't wait. (Been playin on PS3)

Man I'm pumped for this... been playing the shit out of the beta, it's a blast.... the latest update improved a ton too...

@SG-17: Beta's quite good, actually... I'm having a blast with it.

@martinf1: That doesn't even make sense....

@Obi_Al_Kenobi: I agree with you on that, at least... I didn't get the MW2 map pack because that was just a joke... the 2.whatever million people that bought it were sheep and idiots, imo... this seems a little more worth it.

@Obi_Al_Kenobi: That whole "everything should be free" arugment is all well and good but holding on to that now days is wasted energy, simply because that's just not the way things are done anymore.

Weezer- Pinkerton

15$ for this pack seems much better than for that dreck they tried to pull with MW2

@yanipheonu: Partial to 4 myself... but after 5 it went waaaaay down hill.

Gonna try my hardest to pull myself away from the DCUO beta to get on some Vietnam! Looks awesome!

I am shocked that Mass Effect 2's makeout scenes are on this list.... maybe the gaming community doesn't have a collective intelligence of a 10 year old anymore...

Well that part about the scholarships is true.... but these suits are just ridiculous

@shkm: True... but i wasn't even considering them because I don't qualify anything smaller than the average cat a dog.

Doberman, awesome. Shep, awesome.... but Poodle? Really? I can't think of a worse breed... where's my English Bulldog???? Come on!

Wow, I'm actually intrigued by this... and I haven't played magic since I was about 16 (I'm 31 now)

You all realize that this is from a failed project like 10 years ago right?

6 years.... 6 fucking years and it's STILL not finished. This is ridiculous.... .

Wow... looks like they ruined the SSX series for good. Fuck this drivel... SSX Tricky will forever be king!

@Archaotic: You have got to be kidding me.... I can't even respond to that drivel.