
Why does everyone care if Japanese developers make games for this? Outside of the fighting game genre, the Japanese are 10 years behind the rest of the world when it comes to making great games.... and it's because they refuse to leave their archaic techniques behind and adapt to the way things are today.

Woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah...... WOAH.

I'll believe it when I have my copy in my hand.... lol.

@Koda89: Yeah.... and the sad thing about that is, at 45$, they are still making a 20-25$ profit on that used sale.... at least. Gamestop is fucking awful.

@beginattackrun: No that's not the same at all. Because supermarkets buy the food from distributors, so they get paid. Gamestop gets used games at a price that should be considered petty theft, and then sells them at a huge profit, and publishers see none of that. So no. It's not the same as saying that.

@Otis M. Whiitaker: That movie ticket argument isn't valid dude... COD sells 10 million copies of MW2, right? Well 10 million people will go see a movie in the first weekend it's out. (On a huge release, like Dark Knight or something).... big budget movies can sell upwards of 60-70 million tickets.... so the price

@Shrewsbury: Because the purpose of those codes is to influence people to buy NEW copies. They don't want to sell the 10$ codes, really.... they just want everyone to buy new. Any money they make off the 10$ code is nothing compared to what they make off of a new game purchase.

@AnotherSomebody: Not that I'm defending wal mart or any other big box store, but to say that Gamestop is any different is retarded... They are the worst game store around. They give absolute shit trade in values, and berate you with 100 "do you want to preorder/warranty" questions to everyone that shops there....

@pandafresh: No they do not. But if I could care less for a subject and have nothing relevant to add, then I don't say anything.... There's no point. All you're doing is trying to get a reaction out of the others on here.... which, I guess, you have done. Congrats.

@pandafresh: Then why the fuck do you bother posting and reading these things? Jesus... I'll tell you what I don't understand. The appeal of trolling or the culture surrounding it.

Everything he says is 100% true. Glitchers are right below syphilis and right above Rosie O'Donnell on the list of the 3 worst things on earth.

How the hell does this guy STILL get money to do movies?????

This just gave me a raging boner.... there aren't words to describe how excited I am for this.... well, maybe those words....

Kinect is really selling that well??? I must say I'm surprised. In my group of friends it's pretty much the butt of jokes, at best....

Lol.... A Japanese chick making slant eyed jokes....

@Tyrunn: Lol.... I was about 8 years old when I saw that movie and

@KindaGamey: Omg.... that is so friggin awesome. They could make a