
@Kanji08: I disagree.... the NFL vs. other football games, then yes, you have a point, but the UFC doesn't hold quite the stranglehold on the sport that the NFL does. The MMA fan knows Alistar Overeem and Mo Lawl just as much as Brock Lesnar and Anderson Silva....

@Jonn: No one's expecting gritty realism. But we can do without the camp, that's my point. And that's what ruined those movies.

@Jonn: I don't know anyone that complained about Transformers being too grown up. If anything the most complaining about it was the campyness that kept it from being MORE serious.

@ELUNO: You're right. It was worse.

@RickyMack: I don't know.... Emma Watson kinda looks like a dude in drag....

@LordThayer: Keep tellin yourself that, hotshot.... it was awful.

@Jonn: Wanted was awesome... James Mcelroy is what Shia wishes he was.... haven't seen Red yet, but Kick ass and the Watchmen were both fucking awesome, and they made little money. It really sucks because it just means that excellent faithful adaptations (especially of the R rated variety) will be few and far between

Gyah I can't wait til 11/2... this looks amazing!

@Aphoristic: infinitely better than the actual song. CW never gets old.

Jesus.... talk about smoking hot.

The surprise isn't that it did so well... the surprise is that the retailers and media are actually surprised that it did. I knew this game would be huge a year before it came out when I first saw trailers. This just shows how out of touch with reality corporate turds and the media really are.

Gyah, I read "skies of arcadia" and almost shat myself.... I'd shave my ass in town square for a sequel to that masterpiece.... but i digress.

I used to listen to Silverstien a lot back in the day... (circa 2003-ish).... didn't know they were still around. Good band.... at least they were back then, don't know if they changed their sound a lot or anything.

Gyah.... this STILL doesn't even look CLOSE to the 2k series' games. Complete disappointment.

@Blitzgrilo: The story is epic... the MP is great to some, others hate it.... but it's worth it to try it out. It is to consoles what Counterstrike is to PC's.... if that makes any sense.... Halo on a PC doesn't feel right, while CS on a console never really fit.... you see?

@FarmboyinJapan: But what if I see it as a legendary achievement in film history?

Idiot.... I'd bet that he didn't even SEE the video. Someone probably mentioned it to him, and very inaccurately at that, and he saw an opportunity to get some attention.

The whole having to switch beetween the flashlight and the gun was just fucking stupid. I don't care how scary or ambient that you're trying to make the game, it's just not logical.... especially since soldiers have had flashlights on the ends of their guns since WW effing 2. I tried it out, and it was frigging

Only able to get 2225.... pretty cool site tho!