
Nobody really buys these ridiculous powerups do they? I buy Madden and NCAA every year but I laugh my ass off when I see these things.

Pretty Asian girls with high pitched voices are a dime a dozen over there... who cares.

@Whooped.D.Dew: Dude.... the guy suckerpunched and ko'd a WOMAN. If that's just "an excuse to fight" then that's fine with me. The asshole deserved it.

This is good news... kudos to EA for actually stepping up with a quickness to fix this. I think the new method is fine... but the truth is, there's really no reason to have changed it to begin with. It worked great... and still does.

Nice... a few tweaks could make this one of the year's best!

NCAA 11 so I can get my draft class ready for Madden... I just borrowed MGS 4 from a friend... still have to beat FF13, God of War 3, and Uncharted 2.

@casmith07: Ummmm.... I have NCAA 11, and was talking about it. And no they don't. Uniforms don't get dirty at all... and just about every damn game I've played has been in the rain. That is why they are addressing it in the patch that the story just talked about it.

now THAT is proper uniform dirt! I don't even wanna play until I can see that in the game:P

@BossVersion1: Ohhhhh good call. Didn't even think about that.

So we're putting off Ultimate Alliance 3 for this?

Laaaaame.... we don't HAVE to update do we?

Looks great. I was glad to see that he doesn't look like he just bought out every Ed Hardy shirt in my local mall...

Tony it's because the story didn't insinuate that Harry Potter somehow contributed to this guys insanity.... Unlike a lot of those other stories having to do with videogames.

@WhatTheFrag: One thing I've heard about the reason MMO's aren't on the 360 (besides XI)... is that Microsoft uses a closed network, and only EA and Square Enix have convinced them to let them use their own... it would take a giant company like that to be able to push MS around like that... and SOE obviously doesn't

@n_gamer: Yeah.... welcome to 2 years ago. Congrats. We have a black president now too.

LOL@ at using "buttons" as a comparable feature.

How the hell does he only get life for this??? This guy should fry.

San Fran's lookin good.... this year the Red and Gold makes its return to glory!

What the hell??? This really makes no sense at all... It was wildly a wildly popular game... I played it as often as possible. This is complete bullshit. They probably canned it because it was free to play and didn't like the bottom line it produced.... this fucking sucks.

Wow.... I want to go buy this now just to prove a point to these mindless fucking idiots.