
Wow... the fact that anyone figured that out is amazing... like, 5 hoops to jump through in 2 seconds, lol.... that's awesome!!

@Agumen: I don't hate Nintendo... Like I said in my post, I love the games that I have on my Wii, but while yes, they have innovated in some areas very early in the industry, they still lag behind in some of what have become industry standards, like HD, and online gaming... the 3ds is amazing, I admit, that from what

They will... but only after every other game company does, and makes a huge profit, and then everyone asks them to do it... and only then, they will say, no one wants it, but then 5 years AFTER all that, they will announce that they are going to embrace the mobile market... and then they will release it with a system

Honestly I thought the salaries would be a whole lot more... 1.4 million including bonuses for the man responsible for a whole culture seems a little underwhelming....

Am I the only one wondering what's up with the friggin EPIC carpet of chesthair 0n the dude in the picture? Lol....

@Bugoongu: 131 pounds.... my exchange rate knowledge is limited... as in, I have no clue how many dollars that's worth, but isn't it close to being enough to buy a slim?

@ShatteringLast: Stop with that blasphemy!!!!!!.... Seriously, that made me vomit a little, lol.... the 9ers are my team!

Isn't there something better these guys could be spending time and money doing?

Good to see Patrick Willis getting some respect finally... By far the best LB in the game. That guy's gonna make Taylor Mays an all pro.

@Killer Toilet: Yes! He was in Tecmo Basketball! I used to rool with him... not sure but he might have been in one or two of the early Live games.

@214w: You must have watched game 7 the other night... lol....

Looks awesome... I fully expect the servers to be worthless over the first week or so, because everyone's gonna buy this!

@Silverhawk: Interesting you say that.... I went out and got a PS3 yesterday, lol....

150$ to play with a digital cat. No thanks.

@Aurailious: I don't think either one of them are really impressive... the move looks like a wii ripoff, and the kinect games were absolute trash.

.... meh....

Am I the only one that really hopes that horrible giant outline of the wii controller (complete with wii condom) isn't in the final release?

When are game companies going to learn that this kind of crap doesn't do a thing for their success with gamers except make us make fun of them? This is nothing but a waste...

@Segador: No one is targeting the typical "gamer" with this... Natal... or Kinect, or whatever, is for the Grandmas and girlfriends that Nintendo has been so successful in getting money from... this sucks... I already have to wade through a pile of shovelware shit for the wii, and now I'm going to have to do the same