
Wow.... thanks for ruining Joyride.... I was excited about it until I read this. What a joke... just like the rest of this list.

@Jack McCauley: No kidding man... I sit and stare at "Session no longer available" messages for 10 minutes between matches sometimes.... they are supposed to be addressing this, but you know that M$ certification process....

@DARTH_TIGRIS: I'm an SEC guy... and I share your sadness that there won't be a big 12 team in the BCS championship for the SEC to destroy anymore after the next couple years... hehe...

This game doesn't exist... it's just a viral joke. Much like a Duke Nukem sequel... just more elaborate. Lol...

Maaaaaan.... NCAA looks like it's gonna blow Madden to bits this year... I might not even bother with Madden.

I was kind of disappointed that it wasn't on something like HBO or Showtime... being on standard cable might limit the amount of gore that we'll see.... but I'm still excited. One of my favorite graphics of all time!

@Arkain: True.... I've messed around with a Droid, and it's nice... but honestly everything that the Iphone can do that a droid can do it does soooooooo much better.

Amazing song... thanks for the info.... as I was playing I was wondering if I would be able to download this song but couldn't find out who it was by....

I've seen one movie starring Kim too.... and I had to download that from a seedy torrent site. Lol.... That's the only kind of movie I want to see her in, to be honest.... she's smokin hot, but I'd imagine she's about as good an actress as Paris Hilton.

@ibelli: That's true... all you said up there is right on... But I don't fault him for not winning a ring. It's the retarded ass management in Cleveland that I fault more than him. Jordan never got a ring til Pippen and Grant showed up.... Kobe got 3 with Shaq, and then wasn't able to get another til Odom and Gasol

@Vidikron: Read up on this last night.... and honestly I don't think it's that big a deal... in fact it might be a better deal.

@ibelli: Lol.... I'm not saying that Lebron is better than MJ dude, he's not.

@ibelli: You do realize that he's still not as old as MJ was when he won his first title? Also do you realize that he got his team to the finals 4 years younger than MJ did the first time?

@5erge: Lol.... awesome....

@VincentGrey: The conversations really give a natural flavor that really fills out the ambience. RDR might be the best game I've played in 10 years.... it is THAT good.

@SSHOLE: Sorry... I should have elaborated.... I meant that it was .99 cents and extremely fun... so that combination might be what's making it so popular. I for one can't wait til the next expansion... took me all month to beat all the levels that it came with, and I still haven't found ANY golden eggs.... lol....

I think it has less to do with aesthetic and more to do with .99 cents.

Man... between this and Modnation I REALLY am about to go out and drop some cash on a PS3, lol...