
I kind of feel bad for Treyarch... they kind of got lost in the middle of all this between IW and Activision mess, and are going to bear the brunt of the frustration from hard core gamers this year... I know I'm not gonna bother with it.... or any other COD game for that matter... Activision can suck it.

@JYJ705: Dude... right over your head... lol...

just wondering... is the black wii controller going to be bigger than the white one? Or is that just a myth?....

@Kanji08: Machida is going to ruin Shogun in this next fight... Shogun will try to up the aggressiveness and that will play right into Machida's hands. Shogun's getting ktfo.

@Kitradu: It's because it's California... Cali is closer to communist Russia than it is to American.

Are both videos supposed to be the same? Or am I missing something???

@Shinhideaki: I wish I could only buy one or two instead of whole packs... the only ones I really want are Balrog and Chun Li....

Picked this up today... it's like butter... Really the most polished and deepest, most competitive fighter on the market. Highly recommended!

Brett Farve actually did have a shoulder injury the year he was on the cover... and no one really counts the curse until Eddie George was on it.

@chewblaha: If we were in the same room you would totally get a slow clap from me for that, sir.

This is the first time in a long time that I can say that NCAA is looking waaaaay better than this year's Madden... I can't wait!

@Kobun: Ooo... I'm an idiot. I didn't realize this story was 3 weeks old... sorry man, lol... feel free to flame....

@Kobun: Ummm... you realize that Mcnabb got traded to the Skins like 3 weeks ago?

@jdewiel1981: Awesome... thanks for the extra insight... it's certainly appreciated, and I can't wait for the game!!!!!

Weird... they won't let Akoi wear his tights in American promotions, but he's got them on in the vid... meh... I'll check it out for sure... hope two games means better games for consumers.

While the inner kid in me is disappointed with this, as I used to crack open the manuals for little more than to look at the pictures while I wasn't playing the games... I kind of understand, and wonder how it's taken this long... leaving the green aspect out of it, I feel as if manuals should have gone away long

Are there really still this many ignorant people when it comes to MMA? I thought we were past all these idiotic jokes....

Saw this tonight... and, at the rist of sounding cheesy, kick ass was totally kick ass!!!!! Great action, great soundtrack, great characters... 9/10... I was pleasantly surprised!