
Wow... so it only took them FIVE F***ING YEARS to integrate their games with a license they grabbed up just so no one else could use it...

@fuchikoma: exactly the way I've felt about the game thus far... though I have purchased a couple DLC's for it... none of it seems necessary to compete in the game... exactly the way it should be... add me if you want, I'm Grizzly Face

"Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker may be the year's biggest PSP game, but when I finally got my hands on a demo, its dated close-quarters combat tutorial felt like a relic of some bygone era of gaming, the early ‘00s, as is the case with most Japanese made games these days"....

I dunno.... I think that the sad thing is that people are playing so much that the government actually came to this conclusion....

@slider78: I apologize to you, sir... I didn't mean to insult you. The term "cold blooded killer" is inappropriate for what I was trying to say... I was trying to convey the feeling that to a soldier in battle, it's either them or you, and you have to have the instincts and will to do what you need to do to stay

@kNZA: I didn't say anything about this war in particular... only the situations that take place in war, in general. Do I agree with who we invaded? No... I never did. Afghanistan was the war we needed/still need to fight.... What I'm speaking on is the fact that people are acting so surprised when they see how things

This is exactly why media presence in war situations should be extremely limited or banned altogether.... OF COURSE IT'S DISTURBING!... Ugh... They are trained to do so, swiftly and coldly... And this mission doesn't look similar to the one in COD4, it's the mission in COD4 that looks similar to everything going on in

@chewblaha: I'd be down for having an unknown guy... the guy in '08 was absolutely fantastic, but the problem was it was coming from a reeeeeeeeeally shitty radio... if you got THAT guy and put him in a nice studio and got TV-style commentary from him, it'd be perfect.

I don't mind it one bit... I really don't understand why people complain about it. Especially in sports games that are trying to be realistic, when watching a real life sports game the product placement is even more present...

@snl25: Well now days I'm sure it's a lot better... but when it came out it was notorious for taking forever... Heck, I remember sitting and waiting, getting up, making a sandwich, eating it, drinking some milk, and still waiting for it to find a match.... lol.... So it just kind of became an industry joke when it

It's about freaking time... this gets a thumbs up!

@Tiller: Well they SHOULD get some profits... and the creators at Bungie should be the ones calling most of the artistic shots... can you imagine what we'd end up with if someone like Michael Bay got his hands on this?

A Halo movie has this much trouble getting made, yet s*** like Astroboy glides out the door like a butter coated turd.... Hollywood is full of idiots.

April 2011... hmmm... almost enough time to get into a multiplayer lobby on GOW2 before this comes out....

And it's still 60$ for consoles.... this game MIGHT be worth 2.99... I wish the Show was on 360.

@jcb231: I prefer that they remove weapon pick ups... Halo 3 has pretty much evaporated into a race to the rocket launcher anymore... that's why I stick to SWAT.

@TheSixth: Dude who the eff cares if the games are fun?

Glengarry Glenross... one of my all time favorites... Pretty much the greatest monologue of all time given by Alec Baldwin.

IX was great... but still think VI takes the cake. Kefka FTW!!!!

This... looks.... incredible.... jesus I can't wait.