Evan S Ent

According to imdb Bob Odenkirk is a lot less busy this year and next than he was last year. Let’s hope that means thay can get it done fast.

To quote Pope Gregory I “Non Angli sed angeli” - which when Englished becomesthose are not Angles but angels”. I believe he went on to complain about the lack of proof-reading skills among young folk nowadays.


Most importantly there is the poiret, fruit juice boiled down until it is concentrated by 7 times. No added sugar, it is thick and naturally sweet, absolutely gorgeous in all its varieties with overwhelming treacly, fruity flavours. It will spread but will not move under gravity.

Err, what? Surely the only spice at a bonfire is the ginger in the parkin?

It might have been nice to have some mention of how growing up in fascist Spain influenced Ezquerra’s attitude toward totalitarian regimes. Dredd was very much a critique rather than a celebration.

Even ending with a firing squad?

Are you sure you didn’t mean dates are the closest plant part to candy? None of those bothersome tannins and up to 60% sucrose content when fresh. They also take a few years to go off.

I believe it is diagnosed by elimination of other possible causes of the symptoms.

There is no proof of an afterlife. If we want these criminals to suffer then we have to let them live - in prison.

For the second part of the video they have just planted the tree they are going to carefully train into shape over the next ten years to form the handle.

Wine made with cherries and plums also has an aroma of cherries and plums. Can be obtained more cheaply.

I just have to pop down to Max Overdrive to rent a movie.

I hear his music is very popular. I heard a track of his for the first time just last week. The backing singers were quite pleasant.

Réellement 3cm.

Really? I assumed she was just getting doggy bags from the Hubb.

They should have given them a choice between the company of their own species and one of the psychedelic cuttlefish.

You are still chopping ginger? Have you not used a ceramic ginger grater? Also perfect for turmeric, galangal, krachai, kentjur, haldi jangli, zedoary and all other zingiberaceous spices. Fast, efficient and easy to clean and I have no connection or sponsorship with the manufacturers.

Good Welsh genes.

A true scot will water their whisky a little so the flavour can be appreciated fully, just plain water. No-one knows where the weird idea that strong spirits that damage your tastebuds without an immediate chaser are a good idea came from but we imagine it was not on our side of the Atlantic.