Evan S Ent

I’d like to point out that many Asians from India to Russia and the Yemen to Turkey are also not squealing “Kawaii”.

You left out fresh parsley. Chewed it will take away the odour on the breath. Minced and briefly rubbed into the hands it will also eliminate the odour completely. This only works with fresh parsley as the 1,3,8-menthatriene is transformed to a less-reactive compound when parsley is dried. It decreases when fresh

Orchid comes from the Greek for testicle - ὄρχις. So-called as the varieties found in Greece generally have two ovoid tubers, one from this year and one from last year. Those roots were a famous aphrodisiac, called salep in English.

I am pretty sure excellent, diverse music, soap operas and sitcoms have been the greatest force for liberalisation in the anglophone world.

Tahini Think deconstructed hummus, in this case the flavours not only go together so well but the tahini thickens the broth so the chickpeas can’t roll away when you are chasing them.

This review does not mention that this is the last series of The Punisher. That may have affected their creative choices.

There is only one thing that justified the existence of Pointless.

Lemuel Escobar has been a bit of a disappointment to the rest of the cartel since his grandfather passed on.

Decimation was the Roman practice of killing one in ten of a rebellious group of soldiers. Killing one in two should be secundation. As in “Thanos secundated the population of the Universe”.

Christopher Lee (6'5") and Patrick Macnee (6'1") might be the tallest pair in Sherlock Holmes and the Leading Lady and Sherlock Holmes: Incident at Victoria Falls. Arthur Lowe (5'4") brings down the average with John Cleese’s Holmes (6'5") in The Strange Case of the End of Civilisation as We Know It.

Munchies writer Hillary Pollack” unironically wrote an article saying that things that are not drugs should not be named after drugs. “The munchies” is a drug reference that predates the use of crack for cocaine by at least 15 years.

It is a myth that you become addicted after one try. You need to cane them for a week or two to get really hooked.

Please stop linking to the Daily Mail, it only encourages them.

Shiitake mushrooms give me headaches and with a few of them my stomach stops working and a few hours later I throw up the undigested food. No choice in the matter, it just empties the stomach completely. Fascinating reaction, though rather uncomfortable. The shiitake is so complex in its secondary metabolites that I

The Borgia is the most likely to be able to cheat the system, I think.

Is it only us Brittunculi who will get the reference to Tony all alone, fiddling with his helmet while thinking of Pepper Potts?

Avengers: the Age of Retcon

Is the resealable can so you can relieve your bladder without leaving your game and then make the refilled can safe while your legs are twiching uncontrollably?