Evan S Ent

Diane Davis, the chair of the Department of Rhetoric at the University of Texas at Austin, was one of the signatories to the letter of support. In a statement she wrote to the Times,”

Must have been a pretty good prime that he was past in Dr. No.

If it is for cocktails why not just blend fresh ginger with the spirit of your choice? Depending on the power of your blender/liquidiser you should be able to do 100 grams in a litre. Let it sit for a week, filter through a coffee filter, replace in the bottle and store until needed. It will be fine for a few decades

The only caffeinated alcohol approved by (the Christian) God is Buckfast Tonic Wine, produced by the Buckfast Abbey monks since 1897.

I assumed they were malting it by germinating whole oat groats, which would take some days. The enzymes they refer to are those present in the germinating grain.

Almonds in California may be an ecological nightmare but growing anything intensively in semi-desert would be except for xerophytic crops. Spanish almonds are far more sustainable.

It is easier to make it than buying it from the shop if you have a blender/liquidiser. Handful of almonds, a litre of water. Blend. Leave for 30 minutes. Blend again. Put in food, beverage or fridge.

I am unsure how they got 1290+2018 being around 2,500 years but I am sure they used science that we mere mortals cannot understand.

If you make your own almond milk then, no it is not better. Freshly made almond, hazelnut or cashew milk (with just nuts, no stabilisers and flavours and food technology favourite additives) are about as good as it gets.

I don’t know why they didn’t go with the original colour scheme.

Quite a lot of old herbal remedies for fertility problems were just nutrient supplements. If you don’t have enough nutrients you might have trouble getting it up. Lettuce was regarded by the Romans as a marvellous aphrodisiac. Watercress was another.

Is it easy to meet up with other men for a bit of fun on Grynda?

The Hollywood Walk of Marketing has to be one of the tackiest things about Hollywood. However, if they are going to piss anyway why not replace Trump’s star with a pissoir?

Damn, got to change that old saying, then.

Not asses?

The charcoal will absorb the poison from the mushrooms - excellent pairing of ingredients.


There are old mushroom hunters and bold mushroom hunters but there are no old, bold mushroom hunters.

Yeah, if I want potato soup I’ll make potato soup.

No Chance