Evan S Ent

Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) is an edible succulent-leaved ground cover that has a very acidic flavour. Grows very quickly and abundantly from seed. The leaves of the Elephant tree (Portulacaria afra) can be used the same way and may be even more acidic.

Both Jamaican and Moroccan sea-fishing expeditions found that smoking cannabis improves their night vision for fishing in the dark. Maine is missing out on some simple fisherfolk enhancement.

In this case

Depends how long you think you might keep it. Sesame oil (not “toasted sesame oil” that tastes like it has already been fried, for this use the cold-pressed stuff) is very resistant to going off and has a nice rich flavour. If you are going to use it quickly hemp oil is light and nutty. You could heat coconut oil to

Blend (liquidise in English) fresh lemongrass with the oil of your choice. Do not heat. Add a lot of salt to preserve the watery bit. After shaking vigorously once a day for the first week leave it to settle and just use the oil on top. Pour into another container if you can be bothered.

Surely it is a liquid, so it is a fuckkilolitre? Or, in Imperial liquid alcohol measures, 1.01837 fucktuns. The confusingly-named tun is the equivalent of two butts, three puncheons, four hogsheads or 24 firkins.

“Tarnished” means to take the shine off something. Armstrong’s reputation is corroded to the point it is just a rust stain on the ground. Yet he is still wealthy from the proceeds of his cheating.

Ginger is essential for cooked carrots. I was introduced to it when I tried a dip at a party and asked for the recipe. It was just cooked, puréed carrots, minced fresh ginger, salt and olive oil. It was the perfect dip, very moreish.

Perhaps the new slayer is hopeless at cooking and Sarah Michelle Gellar teaches her how? With the help of her new cookbook.

Is she going to be openly Jewish as well?

Does it count as a kiss if you don’t close your eyes? More like a preliminary taste before biting.

Pythagoras believed beans were bad for you because they contain ghosts. He was a nutter even by the standards of the time.

Red peppers, not green.

Pallas cat 1:He wrote what?????!!!!!????”

Get yourself a musical that does both.

The other puddings called dick did not come until 33 years after the first record of Spotted Dick, according to the OED.

Unfortunately stoners are going to forget where the drugs are quite frequently. One downside of doing drugs is that it makes you very inefficient at doing drugs.

Savings are made in less training, less recruitment, better worker mental and physical health, more dependable staffing levels and profits come from
higher customer satisfaction and repeat custom - all worth $$$ to the employer. Also, free advertising on Gawker.
