Evan, Pope Of Jalopnik by Self-Appointment

Literally everything you’re saying here is bullshit...you sound like an idiot, and you sound like you need your license pulled if you can’t even operate a car with ABS. You people are fucking insufferable and you’re the reason why everyone hates car enthusiasts.

Most cars built in the last 15-20 years don’t do that at all...not sure which ones you’re looking at.

Yes, let’s see more death and accidents again. Jesus fuck, you people are dangerous.

...what the hell are you talking about guy. Jesus. People like you are insane.

Certainly not “needless” - also shouldn’t be mandatory, also the organizers need to use some fucking judgement here.

Calm down guy, this has nothing to do with the cars. It has everything to do with the morons running these organizations.

I think you’re on the wrong website....

This is quite literally false. It makes a demonstrable difference in modern performance cars.

Most enthusiasts prefer cars that handle well, if all you do is obsess over weight, you’re missing the point. 4WS is becoming more and more common, best get used to it.

No, why is that ridiculous. They’re practically interchangeable in both cases.

Why do you hate free markets so much Raphael?

Someone buy this man a beer

Who gives a shit? They’re competing and providing a better product than existing taxi companies which are basically arms of the government in whatever city they operate now.

...you mean laws set up specifically to benefit existing taxi cab companies? Piss poor excuse. People like you really don’t seem to understand how this all works.

No it shouldn’t have...go look up what these things do in the quarter mile. These engines are massively under-rated from the factory, go look at the trap speeds for these and RS7s (weighs about the same)...pretty impressive stuff.

...beigemobile...alright guy. What do you drive that’s so enthralling?

Nope it’s an 8 speed ZF auto. And it’s very, very fast.

It really doesn’t, as it fits with most of what we know so far, as was clearly pointed out in the article. Info gets leaked all the time, you must be new to the internet.

...you know it’s not out yet? Also, name another car for this price that even approached that kind of power level.

No, ECU is all locked and no one can crack it. Partially why this will sell so well. Swapping in a newer Hemi is a lot harder than swapping in an LSX.