Evan, Pope Of Jalopnik by Self-Appointment

If you have a black car, it’s useless. Can’t take mine through a touch less without at least drying it off myself. Half the time if it’s dirty it leaves the whole rear dirty as you say. And the E60 has this wonderful thing where the trunk lid likes to hold onto dirty water, until right after you leave the wash, then

Ehh not really. It won’t make a ton of extra power with a chip but it will make some. And it will give you a bit of extra room to stretch out the gears.

Excellent write-up, I really need to get my E28 running again. Very nice.

Um, what? Yes it is. I have a 507 hp car. It goes 204 mph without the speed limiter. You can do the math. I’m not aware of any car that doesn’t hit its rated top speed these days. Ferrari doesn’t even give a number anymore, the last several V12 cars they’ve released have been rated at “at least 211 mph”, they’ll

It’s a 2 way average, this car will go 200 mph. Hardly a set-in-stone number from 2 runs on one day at one track with one car and one set of variables.

The difference between 198 and 204 is not negligible. I’m assuming the Camaro is good for 200+ reliably but in absolute terms, a decent amount of extra power is needed to go 204 vs 198, all other things being equal.

I’m sorry, if you don’t expect a 650 hp street car to go 200+, you’re the one that’s crazy. There is nothing crazy here. My 9 year old luxury sedan does 204 mph. And it’s got a lot less power. The only reason this doesn’t go faster is gearing and aero. Otherwise 650 hp is good for much more speed in a more

It’s very under-rated, it makes more than they say it does.

Screw that. We all know a worn out manual economy hatchback is far better than this car. Because everyone knows only rich people (who are all assholes by the way, did you know that?) can buy this car, and obviously that makes it a terrible car. Also manual. Did I mention manual? Manual. Manual everything. I bet

You must not know much about Ferrari history.

If you think a DB9 is going to be more comfortable over a long distance than this Ferrari with its magnetic dampers, you’re crazy. I’ve driven a DB9. It’s not bad, but the suspension is decidedly not going to be as good as the last couple Ferraris.

The great thing about markets is that *no one* gets to tell you a single, solitary, unwaivering price that you should have to pay. The market decides as an amalgamation of all the people choosing which to purchase all at once. See how that works? Also, what sort of dumb response is that? A flight could cost $49, it

No, it’s not.

The Veyron already did it in 2.6...this should be good for 2.2 I would think. I know the Veyron SS could go sub-5 in 0-100, not sure how fast this car will do 0-124 but it will be insane I’m sure. From what I’m hearing its acceleration above 200 should be much harder than the Veyron. Which is incredible to think

Oh boy, is this going to be yet another opportunity for everyone to voice how bored they are with a car they’ve never even seen, let alone been in, or god forbid, driven?

Really? You don’t drive Toyotas because they conveniently backlight the dash? And you then are literally incapable of judging whether or not you should turn the headlights on? I think maybe your license should be pulled.

This really isn’t much of an issue...and there are already laws against that. Let’s not get too trigger-happy with the government regs, yeah? Otherwise soon we’ll have to have a government reg for moronic comments on the internet...

Most cars now have auto headlamps. Those that dont’ don’t have this problem usually, the only cars with DRLs bright enough to fool the driver usually also have auto lights. Also, they usually find out pretty quick once the sunlight goes away. It’s a non-issue.

The most obnoxious people on this page are the ones literally making things up to trash the Tesla. No one here is being a “Tesla fanboy” - this coming from someone who will likely never buy one, at least not for many, many years. Relax.

...what? Also, no.