Evan, Pope Of Jalopnik by Self-Appointment

They don’t have a problem. Just like Toyota didn’t have a problem, and Audi didn’t have a problem. Moving on.

Lol, no they don’t. It’s pretty cut and dried. This is literally not rocket science.

...did you read the article at all? Clearly not.

Please for the love of fuck, people. Learn to read.


Jesus Christ, this is the most insane over reaction I’ve seen in my life. What is your problem. Pretty sure all of us pass plow trucks all the time. Get over yourself.

What? No....no.

That’s absolutely not true, the ceramic rotors will likely last the life of the car if you drive it on the road. If you track it heavily, yes, they will wear much faster. But I have no idea where you got the idea that they wear out faster...

Or, you know, you could just like blue. As I do.

I really don’t think the point of this article is that water-cooled alternators are a new idea....

Why the hell would you have to remove the engine and transmission...? And why would making it gear-driven change that? More contrarianism for its own sake.

Comments like this really reduce my faith in the general population.

Can’t wait to read the scores of comments by people who barely know anything about electricity at all criticizing an entire team of pHds who have literally spent years developing this system. Oh wait....

You’re not driving the car through the accessory belt, you’re simply adding a bit of power to the engine. You’re not hanging the whole load off the belt.

I had a similar thought. Your screen name is genius, it describes my current situation perfectly. I’m guessing yours too?

Really? Are you actually looking at the picture you posted?

No, they priced it as they needed to in order to make any sort of profit

No. Nobody wanted this car. Get out of the Jalopnik faux-enthusiast bubble

You can give up expecting any of the “writers” on this site to do a good job

“barely more room inside” - yeah I guess that whole rear cargo area, extra headeoom, and extra leg room is just an illusion....