This was a truly unhinged way to add a “twist” to Catherine’s death. I loved her S1 episodes with Ben and was bummed they misused her in this way. S2 in general was ... wild.
This was a truly unhinged way to add a “twist” to Catherine’s death. I loved her S1 episodes with Ben and was bummed they misused her in this way. S2 in general was ... wild.
When we watched the whole series, a friend of mine said, "Why are they portraying the Japanese guy so weirdly?" I assured her it was just the tip of the iceberg.
She was great in Twin Peaks - mostly evil witch with just a hint of relatable vulnerability.
Seems like a good memorial song:
I’m having an absolute blast with Fall of the House of Usher. Had to stop myself from watching the whole thing in a single eight hour blast. The tone is just so spooky and fun and the Poe stories and references are so well integrated within this big gleefully-watch-the-Sackler-family-get-destroyed-by-death-itself…
I forgot about that. Man, I loved that game.
Both the sequel game for the PS2 and sequel comics noted both men as fully human at the end.
Yeah, that’s what I’ve always thought too, although I do like the idea that The Thing is already dead and they’re both just suiciding out of pure paranoia. I’ve never even heard the eye thing before.
For the record, I’m a fan of the theory that might honestly be the darkest, which is that both of them are completely human... but because of the reasonable paranoia of what they just went through, they’ll never, ever know that, and so they’ll just freeze to death.
“Eye gleam”?
I wish they would adapt my favorite element of those books, the way that every chapter ends on a fake-out cliffhanger.
Yeah, that really doesn’t surprise me. I’ve always thought that the machine gun swivel was a bit of a letdown of a solution, in general. I just think that it would have been more thematically and narratively consistent for him to use chemistry to solve the final problem. A swivel isn’t even tangentially all that…
Man, I absolutely loved that. I was so excited to see what Benson and Morehead could bring to it and was not the least bit disappointed. Their movies have a lot of great dialogue and make excellent use of ideas over unnecessary spectacle. That was so evident here. It was just fun as hell to watch. I think a part of…
“My client rebukes sexiness in all it’s forms and functions. He would have it known that he is a beady-eyed, snively kind of man who inspires only pensive, worried feelings in all those who cross his path. If you wish to engage further on this topic, please contact the Dalai Lama for more warnings.”
Did anyone else watch Reptile on Netflix? Kind of a weirdly constructed movie, more like a collection of scenes pasted together. But the performances were solid all around and that made it a pretty compelling watch.
Might as well call it ‘Meowguffin’.
Calm down and stop clutching your pearls, ya dork. This was acutally a fun exercize as a kid. I did this assignment in 4th grade during the 90s as well and it was far more engaging and fun than most of our assignments.
So people don’t have to minimize their browser windows or scroll through, I will present the list of films alongside their Metacritic/Rotten Tomatoes scores:
20. From Black - TBD/TBD
19. Sorry About the Demon - TBD/91%
18. The Pope’s Exorcist - 45/50%
17. Malum - TBD/83%
16. The Offering - 60/76%
15. Knock at the Cabin -…