Evan Fowler

This year’s Best Drama Series *shouldn’t* be an unusually tough fight, but The Leftovers wasn’t nominated, so I guess it will be.

Just got done seeing it and I honest to god feel like Aranofsky was legit trying to alienate people with this. It’s like 90 minutes of an off-putting Brechtian chamber drama followed by some of the craziest shit you’ll see in a mainstream film. Who the hell was this weird ass movie for?


I give it 5 stars out of 5.

hmm...yes...yes...I think I understand... ... ...I’ll just kick out anyone who makes fun of my “nerd stuff”

So it goes...

the comic is fantastic and honestly, there just wasn’t a single moment in this season where i wasn’t wondering why they couldn’t just follow the story from the damned book. it’s not just solid — it’s great. instead, they just cherry pick a few ideas here and there, toss them in a blender, hit ‘frappe’ and then take

The woman in the doorway looks like she was kidnapped as a child and never escaped

Nobody has all the answers. Nobody ever will have all the answers. Never, ever trust anyone who says they have all the answers.

Maybe too obvious, but I’m going to go with Jim Carroll’s “People Who Died”.

Would’ve been funnier if the conversation with the pearl-clutching beat “reporter” didn’t go like this:

“There should never be another episode of Twin Peaks.”

Maybe it’s Baby’s First Critical Analysis to suggest that Twin Peaks: The Return is an extended meditation on both itself and the original run of episodes, but that’s the most coherent interpretation I have so far. I guess the only insight less piercing than that would be “Dale Cooper symbolically represents the

I think the article is in error; it’s probably $10 and $15/gram, not /ounce.

Kentucky Route Zero is so. cool. So cool. So weird and so cool.

I’ve been intrigued by Kentucky Route Zero for a while, and I don’t really like episodic games, so the fact that it’s coming to the Switch in complete form is very exciting! Shovel Knight card game sounds sweet too.

I got you covered.

Snarky commenting on a commenter getting snarked on for snarky commenting. Now I’m commenting on it. Meta.

This is ripped straight from original Twin Peaks, where Waldo the bird was a witness to Laura Palmers murder. When Waldo started talking in the Sherrifs Station, someone shot poor Waldo.

Ah, I see you’ve managed to kill Littlefinger, but what about his other four accents?

Don’t be too sad. All in all, it’s just another break in the wall.