Evan Fowler

That is indeed an amazing sound.

A sad day for Summer School’s gorehounds Francis “Chainsaw” Gremp and Dave Frazier.

and that scene is origin for all JJ Abrams lens flares ...

EINHANDER is a fucking straight-up all-time classic, and it’s a crying goddamn shame literally everyone hasn’t played it.

There are a lot of good captions on this show in general. Lots of weird noises.

Yeah, same for me. I’m not sure I dig his acting in this. It’s basically Lone Star, only with a beard.


God, this. Every time I’m telling someone about how open BotW is in ways that no open-world game I’ve ever played has been this is the first thing I always mention. And it’s always hard to articulate exactly what I mean but you’ve kind of nailed it here. It makes me think of Skyrim and all the times I tried to climb

Wait until Telltale releases their catalog on Switch. This system was made for their work.

I had no difficulty completing Sonic Mania. This is not my first rodeo. I grew up with a Genesis because I wanted to one up my NES-owning friend down the street. Sonic has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Here’s a picture of the Sonic action figure I found at my parents’ house the other day. I

It’s completely engaging. The graphics/lighting/etc are incredible - sort of like Horizon Zero Dawn put through the filter of Resident Evil 7...The sound and art design are top notch...

Short and Sweet? I’d recommend Submerged (PC, PS4). It’s fairly short (100%’d it with achievements in 7 or so hours), very pretty, and relaxing. It takes place in a flooded city you navigate by boat, and climb buildings to scavenge them, while slowly revealing the backstory of both your character and what happened to

I nearly pissed myself laughing at this.

Hey man....don’t bring the stooges into this.

Because he’s a collectible vinyl art toy?
(Seriously, I couldn’t begin to tell you.)

The youth don’t understand AOL messager!? ....Now that I think about it, of course they don’t, but I hadn’t considered it before and now I’m distressed.

How exactly does someone go about silencing hens?

Oh my God. Ouch. Please excuse me, I’m going to go investigate retirement homes.

Like when you can’t pause regular TV because you’re so used to watching On Demand/DVDs and the frustration is, for a millisecond, total.