Evan Ecclestone

So when Oberer Land Developers purchased a 52-acre plot of land for a housing development of “townhouses and duplexes in exchange for a park and a plot for affordable housing,” writes Slate.”

why are you even commenting on The Root, dude? do you not see what’s going on?

ffs, the officer shot her cuz she’s black and the officer had an excuse, are you not following the plot either? 

i’d rather the bullet hit a bystander and wound them, than firing 4 shots center mass on a 16 year old girl, i don’t see why this is up for debate, despite your thoughts about “how to properly shoot a person”..

i seriously can’t believe i’m arguing with people who think shooting a 16 year old is okay because they followed “proper gun ettiquette”..

lesson learned, don’t argue with gun nuts about the fragility of human life..

you forget that shooting center mass kills someone, and saying “oh but it could ricochet” is a fucking cop out (pun purely intended)..

seems pretty cut and dry to me..non-lethal force is a better choice and wasn’t even used in this scenario..

school shootings/mass shootings are done by white people, everyone knows that..

He didn’t shoot the girl with the knife, he killed her. He could’ve very easily shot her, ONCE, in the leg, disarmed her, and taken her into custody. Very, VERY easily.

how old was he? and you genuinely believe he deserves to die?

Jesse Owens, 1936..

or Markham, Ontario..

the Jay-Z tagline made me save this article..

it wasn’t, that ball was high..

Now playing

i’m guessing because he’s from Indiana, and Splinter is NY based..?

that wasn’t a TED talk..


check the box office, everyone liked it..