
Jesus. “She looks like a man”. So I guess you’re the self-appointed designator of who is a “man” or “woman”?

I don’t think “liberal as hell” means ehstbyou think it does.

THIS. This is how taxation works. I don’t agree with irresponsible, rampant military spending but I don’t get to opt out of paying.

Yeah, it’s totally one of those names that people don’t know what to do with. People routinely call my husband Vincent even though he’s obviously Latino and has a Spanish last name.

Yep, you’re right! As I replied to someone else, I’m recovering from surgery and totally doped up. I googled it and I SWEAR that half the results said Vicente and half said ViNcente. Nope, just seeing things! Thanks for answering my (silly) question!

Yep, you’re right. I must be losing my mind. I’m recovering from back surgery and loopy on pain meds. I googled and could have SWORN that half the hots on page one said ViNcente. Checked again and nope, it’s def Vicente. Duh. Thanks ;)

I totally think he’s sexy. But I’m married to a Mexican dude who’s 15 years older named Vicente, so... maybe I just have a very specific type? Lol.

Ugh, tell me about it. “Daddy, why are you doing this?” Is particularly heartbreaking.

“Don’t worry. I’m a cop.”

We are indeed! I look forward to it every year. So cool. Nice to meet you, too!

Yeah, it’s really scary. I have a seven year old daughter and a nine year old son and we live in East Oakland. They are WAY too worried about guns, especially after their eight year old friend (my friend’s daughter) lost her beloved big brother last year.

Awwww, thanks :)

I’m not sure what I’d do in the heat of the moment. That said, I’d like to think I’d give up whatever material possession a thief demanded. When I was 21 a guy I had gone to school with and known since I was five was mugged outside a bar on a busy street in Oakland. He refused to give over his wallet and the kid

I’m DYING! This is my new favorite thing.

OK, all this has already been said but I’m tipsy and can’t help myself. “Both are bad. One is worse”.... seriously???

I can’t tell you how many times this quote has popped into my head over the last year.

Ugh, so many typos! Stupid drunk, fat fingers.

Oh good, this bill will require principals to inform parents that there chil(ren) is asking to be “treated as a member of the opposite sex”. I’m SURE that won’t lead to teasing and/or harrassment as kids and parents attempt to “out” the trans kid! /s

This is SO my nine year old son! And if something doesn’t taste EXACTLY how he expects (or how it did last time) there are tears, gags, occasional vomit. A different brand of butter or bread or pasta is immediately sussed out as is an apple that had previously been used to cut a carrot without throughly scrubbing it

Still looking! LSD is glorious, and no one will do it with me. (Granted, it’s a heck of a lot harder when you’re pushing 40 and have kids. I’d still kill for a trip buddy a few times a year!)