Ev - Been Grey So Long it Looks like Black to Me

I want to second this, wholeheartedly, but also: *did* we? We knew we felt shitty, but did we know it was shitty? I’ve been fairly horrified to look back at events that happened over the past 20 years or so, and realize oh fuck - that was *rape,* not a bad night out or a goddamn ‘grey area.’  Ditto attempted rape and

That’s kinda where I’d be (+ 1981 = consent not really a ‘thing.’ The term “date rape” was not something people used, either, so I think a lot of ‘persuading’ and ‘convincing,’ which we’d see as super not ok, now, was considered S.O.P.), if it weren’t for his response. Any form of expressing regret and trying to

That was a red flag for me, but the ‘my loving spouse of many years supports me fully’ was way worse, as far as uh-oh feelings go.
The entire non-pology baffles me, frankly, because one thing we know about Takei is he’s not stupid. If he dashed it off in some knee-jerk panic, it’d kinda make sense, but writing, “I

oh my wow, that video is awesome. Like, Jonny Wiseau guest director level awesome. I seriously thought he was about to start praying, the first few times he kneeled and rolled out the rug (which: can we see that scene a few more times? I’m guessing the director’s cut is amazeballs). Thank you [for enriching my

(Quick pedantic note: Humbert was very definitely a pedophile, not a hebephile [casting of precociously busty Sue Lyons in the film version aside]. Nabokov makes it very clear that the narrator is only interested in pre-pubescent girls, with flat chests and hairless bodies, not early-blooming pubescents. His interest

Hahahah, as a die-hard lover of GOOD country, that was hella enjoyable, thanks. And as a teeth-gritting occasional tolerant of bad ‘young country,’ the worst part is how barely-joking-watch-your-back-for-copyright-lawsuits close to actual lyrics they are, in addition to the sentiments. “Daddy’s Money,” “She’s

Thanks, and yeah, isn’t is creepy how people rush to point out that they’re uggos, so it makes perfect sense that they’d get score some sweet puss when they finally got a chance? (Which: they’re often not and no it doesn’t.)
My guess is it’s a combination of good ole’ opportunistic fat/looks-shaming (‘it’s not bad if I

NOTHING! NOTHING! Which I REALLY want to stay the same! I’m just steeling myself for the worst, in case there’s more news I don’t want. It was piggybacked onto the previous comment I’d made, and I didn’t realize how creepy it’d seem on its own. Sorry!!! 

(really? Very.)

No.  Apparently, we cannot have nice things or decent people. Tom Hanks and Patrick Stewart are both thrill-killing sociopaths, and Betty White tortures animals in front of terrified children, because it’s the only thing that makes her feel alive. I’m also assuming Keanu Reeves and Dave Grohl fund all their cool indie

Seriously, and even then... Fuck, I’m just gonna go ahead and assume that ‘Tom Hanks Underage Sex Tourism Scandal!’ is coming up, just so it won’t be as devastating. :(

Fucking goddamn it. TBH, I totally had the exact typical awwful reaction to the allegation, which was to minimize it ‘he went over to Takei’s on a date after a breakup with his bf, he’d given Takei his number after he’d hit on him before - it seems like post-breakup sex was probably under consideration, but then he

Wait, what????? scrolling on pause, even with the hope that it’s something about Takei shaming abusers (pretty please?).  I will need more coffee to even begin to think about this. And quaaludes.
I might as well just start steeling myself now, for Tom Hanks’s long history of sex tourism in impoverished countries and

What a completely unfounded and mean-spirited comment! What could possibly have given you the impression that Blake Shelton isn’t very bright? Sure, he may not have written the lyrics, “I’ll hang the pictures, you hang the stars/You pick the paint, I’ll pick a guitar/Sing you a song out there with the crickets and the

Ha! Thank you! I’d been soooo waiting for that (not enough sleep + perma-grey means it wasn’t gonna be me...)

hahaha, I clearly have Strong Feelings about California country music. Thank you for playing along!
(and really - if I find out Huckabee and I share a bunch of other interests, I’m probably just gonna go ahead and bow out of polite society, altogether. There’s no hill worth dying next to him on...)

it is harassment and it is illegal, but I get what you’re saying about it being kind of weird and confusing, when compared to being grabbed or groped. IIRC, the woman who was mostly baffled/bemused/bothered by it sat there uncomfortably until he was finished - she didn’t try to leave until after he was finished. I

Now playing

WHOA WHOA - stopped clock time: Huckabee is not wrong about the music in Bakersfield. The Bakersfield sound is a real thing, popularized by such luminaries as Buck Owens (R.IP.), Merle Haggard (R.I.P), and Dwight Yoakam (hang in there, buddy). Buck opened the Crystal Palace nightclub and ‘restaurant’ [which: eek. but

correct comment is correct.

(re: 2 - omg, right??? You’re basically baptizing your kid in Awesome with “Finn Wolfhard” - totally badass, yet not so over-the-top that it invites ridicule. Well played, Parents!)